作者:Katie Campbell 11 月以前
Ottawa Water Supply
The water supply in Ottawa primarily comes from the Ottawa River, and its levels can be influenced by rainfall, snowmelt, and dam operations. The water has an earthy or musty odour due to the presence of plants in the river.
Ottawa Water Supply water quantity the operation of dams can affect
water levels rain and snow melt can affect
water levels in the ottawa rivers threats to the water supply sewers sewage treatment plans septic systems waste disposal sites water treatment water purification plants can
handle viruses like covid19 water is distributed through
more than 3,000 kilometres
of water mains over 100 000 water
quality tests are performed
on drinking water water distribution more than 30 000 km of water mains more than 48 000 valves more than 23 000 hydrants 14 reservoirs 32 pumping stations treated at two purification plants meets federal and
provincial guidelines comes from Ottawa River plants in the river causes
the odour has an earthy/musty odour