作者:Seth a 3 年以前
- Set time for when I am gonna do my school work so I follow a schedule -I stop working until I have motivation -I continue to work but less hours
- Is me working causing me to burn out ? - Should I work less hours - do I need a better schedule ?
-everyone has bad days just continue -I need to work and I need to go to school so I can't stop doing either of them -being able to complete the work will give me a feeling of a complement -I always have tomorrow to do the work
-when I finish my work I need to look back on it and be proud of myself - create a schedule to follow threw so I can at least be proud of that -I need to work on upping my self worth
-why am I always comparing my work to others. -is there something I can do to give myself more confidence in my work
-I should be proud of the work that I put forwards as long as i'm trying my best - If I continue to talk down on my work I will never be proud of it -I need to hold myself accountable for my work so I can be proud keeping my promise to myself
- I can participate in school masses or go to mass by myself. - I can find new people that I can explore my faith with/ join a youth group - I’m already happy with my life I don't need to actively attempt to participate in my faith as long as I believe
-Is there someone who is close to their faith that I can talk to ? -am I the only person in my family that feels this way ?
- I still can participate in my faith at school, we do go to a catholic school -I don't have to be active in my faith to believe in my faith -should I go and participate in my faith by myself ? -I can still be close with my faith if i don't participate in mass, I can pray at home and whenever i have the time
-I can try to work less and devote more time to school so I can be less stressed out and have more time to do my work -finding someone I can talk to and try to clear my mind with -finding other ways to reduce my stress with new hobbies ex: reading a book, going for walks, meditation.
- Why is school stressing me? Is there a way to lower that stress ? - Is there someone that I can talk to ?
- School is stressful I need to learn how to deal with the stress - I shouldn't be stressing over school if im giving myself enough time to do everything - I need to have high expectations for myself because if I dont I have no reason to try