作者:Terry Irwin 10 年以前
Pediatric Concept Map
A sixteen-year-old male named Richard Bailey has been diagnosed with cellulitis, pulmonary emboli, and transient bacteremia following surgery on his septic knee joint. His treatment regimen includes a variety of medications such as a topical emollient for cellulitis, a stool softener to prevent constipation, an opioid/
Richard Bailey - 16 Yr old male - Cellulitis, Pulmonary Emoboli, and Transient Bacteremia - Post Surgical Septic Knee Joint Family Sister - 10 year old Father - Secondary Care Giver Mother - Primary Care Giver Pathophysiology Pulmonary Emobli Found due to inactivity Bacterial Infection Cellulitis above incision Post Surgical Knee Joint Infection Growth and Development Anxiety Feels Lonely and Anxious being in the Hospital Vital Signs Chest Pain upon Deep Breathing Work of Breathing Level of Conciousness Fever 102.5 Patient History Allergies Coconut, Nuts, Gluten, Latex, Penicillin, ceftriaxone (Rocephin) Pulmonary Embolism upon admission Celiacs Disease Increasing Pain for 3 days In Bed, not moving around Fever over 102.5 Left Knee Surgery to repair ACL/meniscus Pharmacology Senna docusate Stool softener to prevent constipation Norco Opioid/Acetaminophen analgesic combo for pain Oxacillin antibiotic for bacterial infection Topical Emollient (Eucerin) topical ointment for cellulitis Enoxaparin (Lovenox) Low Weight Heparin to prevent blood clots Surgical Intervention I & D Drains placed bilaterally on left knee screw replacement ACL/Meniscus repair aspiration of left knee Nursing Interventions Nursing Diagnosis 3. Altered Family Process 2. Risk for Infection 1. Risk for Impaired Gas Exchange Ambulation as tolerated Non-Weight Bearing Left Leg until drains removed L Knee Brace continuous when not in CPM CPM - 8 hrs Qday Radiology CT Scan for Chest IV Access PICC line left brachial Labs Blood Cultures D-Dimer / Fibrinogen Hgb / Hct PT/INR/aPTT