作者:beyonce sehseh 1 年以前
The process of stereotyping involves attributing certain characteristics to individuals based on their association with specific social groups. To counteract these biases, diversity awareness training can help educate employees on the advantages of diversity and debunk common myths.
Attribution process Internal attribution External attribution Kolb's Experiential Abstract
conceptualization Concrete
experience Reflective observation Active
experimentation Self-Fulfilling Prophency Cycle Supervisor's behavior
affects employee Employee's behaviour
mathes expectations Supervisor forms
expectations Expectations affect
supervisor's behavior Action learning Concrete experience Team conceptualizes and
applies a solution to a
problem Leaning meetings Social learning theory Behavioral modeling - observing
and modeling behaviour
of others Learning behavior
consequences - observing
consequences that other
experience Self-reinforcement - own
behavior with consequences
within our control A-B-Cs of behavior modification Consequences for example, cleanliness is guaranteed Behavior for example, the children obident Antecedents for example, the mother give instruction to wash hand before eat to her children BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION Improving perception Empathy Self-awareness Social Identity Theory Social identity theory features Contrasting process Homogenization process Comparative process How we perceive the world depends on how we define ourselves in terms of our membership in various social group Social Identity ( about your group) Personal Identity (its about you) Environmental Stimuli Feeling, Hearing, Seeing
Smelling, Tasting Organization and Interpretation Attitudes and Behaviors Selective Attention Stereotyping is process of assigning traits to people based on their membership in a social category Minimizing stereotyping biases Decision-making accountability
- Use objective criteria in desicion-making Meaningful interaction
- Contact hypothesis Diversity awareness training
- Educate emplloyees about the benefits of diversity and dispel myths PERCEPTION AND LEARNING