类别 全部 - education - government - critical - reformation

作者:Vannah Pyatt 6 年以前



The text delves into the philosophy of education, highlighting different aspects and opinions on how education should be structured and its ultimate goals. It mentions the importance of reformation within the educational system, emphasizing that math should be seen as both conceptual and theoretical rather than just computational.


Christ Motivates me...he teaches us to have love for his children and I'm sure Christs love will come in handy when I find it hard to have the strength to love the student on my own

Christ video and picture in link above

Maybe Christ is the master teacher for what he chose not to say..."held his peace"

Find poem

Lamb=Shepard, He suffered what we have suffered. This helps him relate to his sheep. Because he knows our pain and what sheep life is life is like, he will find the One(Psalms 119:176) and leave the 99 to find it(Matthew 18:11-14)

Christ is light..... knowledge is equated with light

Phylisophy of Education

Who am I and what motivates me?

*Anyone can learn anything*
We are all children of God God loves all His children
The knowledge that we gain in this life will be with us forever All knowledge is from God
Education is an individual journey
It is never a waist of time to teach
In order to progress we have to gain greater knowledge Progression is key
we can become perfect through the atonement of Jesus Christ We are all imperfect beings

Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools built?

How do I view those I teach?

Is work or talent more important to me?
What matters isn’t so much “what I show the students” as “what the students experience when they’re in the mathematics classroom.” It helps to look at things from the student’s point of view.
Are you a babysitter?...children are there while their parents are working
Parentssee school as a day care
The poor in education
Watch movie- Pay it forward
How do you view those you teach
Need based scholarship

If your parents have not graduated from college

Single parent

Merit based scholarship
Students feel etiltement
Public display of grading by the students(could do this for a weekly)
comparing should not even be an option- when you have your students say grades out loud it gives you the option

How do I learn?

What you know vs. What you understand
To teach, you must only understand
You can teach a topic without knowing it, but you cannot teach without understanding certain parts of that topic
Difference between pilgrims and tourists

Tourists: pictures

Pilgrims: no plan on their trip, no pictures, need to have a spiritual experience...leads to actually understanding

My ideal study set up

What is my work as learner and teacher?

Money and Education
How does it differ from state to state?
Many have to take up one or two more jobs to be able to provide for their families.
Are teachers getting paid enough?

What is worth teaching?

R- general teacher of children L- math teacher...content

I hope to be a 60(R) / 40(L) teacher

I don't just instill knowledge I educate choice/agency

What is the role of school in society?

Difference between learning and schooling...
Universal design for learning

Balance in teaching-Pestalozzi


James #15 ----"our beliefs are really rules for action" ---- "In what respects would the world be different if this alternative or that were true? If I can find nothing that would become different, then the alternative has no sense.” I agree to some extent with James. I only disagree because the Pragmatic Method is only useful when your goal of the debate is to act once you have determined you opinion on the matter. Our goal was to spend time with each other, not have some deep and heated metaphysical dispute in order to fix a problem or improve something. I don't regret having that conversation with them. Even if it was pointless, we made memories.

Perry #26 I think she makes good points. I have never experienced a private school so I don't have any personal knowledge of he differences, but I do know that there needs to be some kind of reformation in education. I think Perry highlights some of the issues pretty well ----- Math is conceptual and has theoretical parts. It's not just about computational things. ----- English class should not be just about learning how to write with correct punctuation or structure, but should be about developing your critical thinking, ability to express thoughts in words..."emphasis was upon improving intellectual and organizational skills to raise the quality of the writing." ----- "The teaching at the public school has less to do with thinking and processing ideas, and more to do with precision and detail in appearance." ----- "Student B displays an ability to learn and write in creative and analytical formats. I left a school where the criterion for intelligence was the student’s thought process resulting from the information, for a school where the information was the measure of intelligence." ----- "others have been denied an opportunity to explore their intellectual development."

MANN #10 ----- Everyone should try to be self sustaining... -----"Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men—the balance-wheel of the social machinery." ----- The government has something to gain from educating even the working class. ----- Makes the country wealthy to have an intelligent people -----" The greatest of all the arts in political economy is, to change a consumer into a producer; and the next greatest is to increase the producer’s producing power; an end to be directly attained, by increasing his intelligence." -----"in a government where the people are the acknowledged sources of power, the duty of changing laws and rulers by an appeal to the ballot, and not by rebellion, should be taught to all the children until they are fully understood." You want the people to make good decisions for the country....educate them on how it is run -----Voting should be approached with preparation and solemnity, not bitterness, pride and hardheadedness.

- Wolk #30 -----"We are living a schooling delusion. Do we really believe that our schools inspire our children to live a life of thoughtfulness, imagination, empathy, and social responsibility? " -----What is the point of learning if all the child's work has no personality behind it? When I was in elementary school we had to do creative writing assignments. I always hated them and I think that was partly because I wasn't good at writing so I didn't want to do "bad" on the assignment. In elementary school I was worried about a grade? I think that is unacceptable when I was supposed to just have an opportunity to be creative. -----Creating passive adults- one of my pet peeves... -----" Not just what do we want them to know, but how do we want them to be? What habits of mind? What attitudes? What character? What vision? What intellect?" ----David Orr writes, “We must remember that the goal of education is not mastery of knowledge, but the mastery of self through knowledge — a different thing altogether.” -----"We say we must teach about the Holocaust so that we never forget, yet since the defeat of the Nazis we have witnessed at least half a dozen more genocides. It certainly seems the more “civilized” we become as a species, the more brutal we become as people. What does the 21st century hold in store for us? Will we survive? What are schools doing to improve our chances?"

My own tenet

3. Structure in the classroom is necessary
Is the difference between the structure of LDS and secular learning? What about schooling in other countries?

Teachers in the gospel often ask open ended questions so that the lesson becomes more of a discussion rather than a lecture

The church has already become more of a student defined...We learn together when we are on the same level of understanding

I think if students grew up defining by themselves what their class experience should be like then I think there wouldn't need to be so much structure. The reason why it wouldn't work to just change the way that schooling is done right now is because as students get older, many loose the desire to learn...so if they structured their learning they wouldn't choose to learn.

Tenets of BYUI

Students need to define and act, not be acted upon
Student=self reliant
1. It is always about the learner. Everything is centered on the student.
(See #3)


Develop your thinking about each author and put it in your website
Perry, Beecher, Wolk, Bednar

WONDER:watch for final exam and talk about it THE FOUNTAIN HEAD LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL STAR GIRL-book