作者:Catriona Bell 6 年以前
Physical activity
Engaging in physical activity encompasses a variety of movements, from light activities like standing and walking to more energetic exercises such as swimming, biking, and gymnastics.
Physical activity Government 3 hours per day Health inequalities 2030 vision tackling inequalities promting health and wellbeing prevention, education and early intervention Daily mile What is it? Light move around walk stand up Engegetic gymnastics skipping rope climbing swimming dancing riding a bike running on a trampoline running around GIRFEC guardianship for children Rapid change cycle Implament Study Do Plan Wellbeing triangle Subtopic SHANNARI included responsible respected active nurtured acheiving healthy Safe Benefits Maintain a healthy weight Cognative skills Motor skills Bon and muscle developent Corriculm for excellence Building self esteem Gross and fine motor skills Rythum and timing Coordination and fluiency Balance and control Kinsethetic awareness