作者:michael bourke 15 年以前
The process for producing a podcast involves several key steps and the use of various software and hardware tools. Initially, music and sound effects are sourced from loop libraries in programs like Garage Band, Adobe Soundbooth, and Apple Soundtrack Pro.
PODCAST INTERVIEW RECORDING MP3 Finalize multitrack recording of Podcast and Publish to iTunes Script Test script with colleagues and get feedback Develop script after brainstorming ideas with Gary, Lisa and Peter Blakely Intro Develop at least 2 different styles SOUND EFFECTS Source sound effects from royalty free internet sites Source sound effects from SoundBooth & Soundtrack Pro SOFTWARE Audacity Transfer any sound or music tracks to Audacity for remixing if necessary Apple Soundtrack Pro Evans Studio - test loops for intro and Close Garage Band Check to see if access to Soundtrack loops library is possible - may be easier to edit in GB Adobe Soundbooth Check loops library for sound effects and music for Intro and Close HARDWARE Evans Sound Studio Blue mountains Take rough script and test loops to Evans Studio for mixing TAFE Sound Studio iMac - 20" intel core 2 duo 2.16GHz - Built in iSight MUSIC Close - 2 themes both similar to intro Intro - 2 themes both similar to close Background Source music from loops in G/Band, SoundBooth & Soundtrack Pro