作者:James Carbutt 12 年以前
Polocies and Legaslation
Organizational policies and legislation encompass crucial areas including procurement, training, security, and compliance with various legal acts. Procurement policies dictate how goods and services are acquired, whether through leasing or buying, and ensure structured purchasing arrangements.
Policies and Legaslation Legaslation Data Protection act E.g. Data should not be kept longer than necassery To ensure the correct use and securit of customer personal data Computer missue act To prevent the unautherised acces or modification of computer systems or information Frredom of Information act The right to know what infomration is been held by an organisation and how it is used Copyright Design and Patent act To stop software been used and distributed without the devlopers permission Health and Safety act E.g. Training employees on suitable safety positions To ensure the safety of employees Policies Procurement E.g. Expenditure over time, lease or buy Organisates arangements for purchasing goods and materials Training Training ensures staff have the knoledge and skills to perform their job correctly and safely Staff must be trained when new equiptment is bought Security E.g. Passwords for login and ID cards Ensures the security of the organisation both phsyically and virtually(data)