作者:Douglas Wires 7 年以前
A variety of resources are available to enhance PowerPoint presentations, categorized under different themes. For icons and buttons, platforms like Iconspedia and Deviant Art offer diverse choices.
POWER POINT TOOLS PLANO DE FUNDO ANIMADO Presenter Media Motion Backgrounds FERRAMENTAS Zentation Bitly - Encurtador de link Removedor de Plano de Fundo de Imagem ZoomIt Easy Prompter MATERIAIS DE APOIO Play Back Fm Showeet Templates wise Esperfonto Subtópico Wikiquote ÍCONES & BOTÕES IconesBR Iconspedia Icon finder Deviant Art Favbulous TUTORIAIS Nuts & Bolts Speed Trainning Make a Powerful Point Presentation Magazine Fre Power Point Tips Adobe Vectors in PPT Power Point Ninja Presentation Process Apresentação de Dados Estatísitcos IMAGENS PSD E VETORIAIS Vector Me Vector Open Stock Vecteezy PSD Blast Dreams Time FreePik Graphics Fuel PSD Explorer VBA PPT Alchemy WEB ISSUU DOCS.com Slide Share ALTERNATIVOS Piktochart Google Presenttion focusky Prezi PLUGUINS PPT Plex Presentaion Pro Poll Everywhere Google Earth no PPT Office One FONTES Fawnt Abstract Fonts Simply The Best Fonts Urban Fonts Fonts DaFont EFEITOS SONOROS Royalty Free Music Library Icompetech Zap Splat Salami Sound Movie and TV Sound Clips WAV Sounds Free Sound Effects Sound Snap Free Sound Audio Micro