作者:Sofia Thompson 2 年以前
Protists (Kingdom)
Protists are a diverse kingdom of mostly unicellular, eukaryotic organisms. They are classified into three main groups based on their similarities to animals, plants, and fungi. Animal-like protists, such as flagellates and ciliates, move to obtain food using structures like flagella, pseudopods, or cilia.
Protists (Kingdom) Unicellular (mostly), Eukaryotic Plant-like Brown Algae It has many plant-like structures Seaweed with many pigments Green Algae Closely related to plants Unicellular, multicellular, or colonial Contains green pigment Red Algae Contains red chlorophyll Used in hair conditioner and ice cream Only needs a smalla mount of sunlight Multicellular seaweed Euglenoids Use flagella for movement Can be autotrophs and heterotrophs Green unicellular algae mostly found in pond water Dinoflagellates Responsible fro red tides All have two flagella Come in a variety of colors, may glow in the dark Unicellular algae surrounded by stiff plates Diatoms Used in household insecticides Move by oozing chemicals out of slits in their cell walls Float near the surface of lakes and oceans Have glass-like cell walls Algae They contain chlorophyll and photosynthesize Very important in oxygen reproduction Some are Multicellular Some are Unicellular Commonly called algae Autotroph Animal-like Subtopic Example- Plasmodium Many have more than one host Feed on the cells and body fluids of their hosts Flagellates Example- Peranema Can have multiple Flagella Move using the Flagella Ciliates Example- Paramecium They sweep food to the Ciliates Use Cilia to move and eat Sarcodines Example- Amoeba Have a Contractile Vacuole feed using pseudopods unicellular Made of cells with a nucleus and no cell wall Can move to obtain food Heterotroph Fungi-like Water Molds and Downy Mildew Responsible for the Irish Potato Famine They grow in tiny threads that look like fuzz Most live in water Slime Mold They can be tiny and very big Live in moist shady places Brightly colored They use spores to reproduce They haev cell walls Heterotrophs Decomposer