类别 全部 - precision - accuracy - sensitivity - analysis

作者:Monika Markovic 6 年以前



The document outlines the process and criteria for generating a final report on sample analysis with a focus on sensitivity and gender determination. It details the accuracy and precision of the data in concordance with reference and within-plate data.


IQ/OV/PQ for Genetitan and Bekmen


Final Report generation: Sensitivity-gender determination, LOD for sample contamination Accuracy-concordance with reference data Precision-concordance within plate and between plates Proficiency testing Z score or Acceptable difference as per CLSI PG 29

Level of analysis DQC, Genotyping Step 1,Genotyping Step 2, Plate performance NOT included : SNP metricss and SNP QC

Plate design: 2x 2 plates-96 reference HapMap samples 2x 2 plates-48 HapMap samples and 48 QBB samples incuding PC,NC and sample contamination


Qchip Clinical content validation

Plan for clinical validation
Samples and variants, positives and negatives, number of samples and plates

Analysis level 1 and level 2

Data exported for linking for screening or diagnosis

Report generation

Qchip research content validation

Sample selection criteria and number of samples SNP selection criteria and list with all SNPs with breakdown
Library generation with threshold setting from Affymetrix based on (3.5.10 plates?) or dr Andrew

DQC, Genotype calls 1 and 2

SNPolisher; SNP metrics and SNP QC



QBB Lab performance verification

Proficiency testing with Rutgers

To be decided plate type and sample distribution

Automation workflow verification
Manual workflow verification
4 plates