作者:fellan 2019 5 年以前
Question Words
Les mots interrogatifs servent à poser des questions spécifiques sur différents aspects de la vie quotidienne. Par exemple, "quelle heure" est utilisé pour demander l'heure précise tandis que "
QUESTION WORDS HOW OFTEN-à quelle fréquence Number of times an action is repeated How often do you take a break ? HOW MANY-combien Amount (countable nouns) How many calls did she answer ? HOW MUCH-combien amount (non-countable nouns) How much wine did you drink last night? money-rpice How much did you pay for your laptop? WHAT TIME-quelle heure Clock time What time do we start ? What time is it ? WHAT KIND-quelle sorte Make / type What kind of movies do you enjoy ? What kind of car is that ? why am I telling you this? HOW-comment Opinion How do you like the new colour ? Physical or mental state How old are you ? How are you ? Means or to do something How do you put someone on hold ? Sujet secondaire
WHERE-où Establishes the place Where do you like to eat ? Sujet principal WHEN-quand Period of time When did she arrive ? How many times-combien de fois number of times something is repeated How many times have you gone to Europe? HOW LONG-combien de temps Duration of an event How long have you been working as manager ? HOW NEAR-ccombien proche How near is the sea? HOW FAR-quelle distance Distance How far do you live from work ? WHY-pourquoi Reason or purpose Why did you return to school ? Cause Why did you forget to call ? WHOSE-èa qui appartient Possessive Whose pen is on the table ? WHICH-lequel(s)-laquelle-lesquels(les) Choice Which one do you prefer ? WHAT-quel(s)-quelle(s) qu'est-ce que Weather What is the weather for ? Activity What are you doing ? Fonction What is that used for ? Nature What does that mean ? WHO-qui People Who is that person ?