作者:Pilar Camacho 1 年以前
Reading Strategies
"The Sack Garden"
Exploring various reading strategies can enhance comprehension and engagement with a text. Before diving into a story, students can predict the content by examining the title, images, and initial sentences.
Reading Strategies
"The Sack Garden" During
Reading Asking
Questions What does the Sack
Garden contain? Main Ideas
Identification They can identify the main ideas of the text,
such as Meg's situation and how she
solves the food problem. At the End of
the Reading Summary Students can summarize the story,
highlighting key events. Reflection They can reflect on how Meg's actions
can be applied to their own life
and environment Discussion Promote class discussion of the text, allowing
students to share their ideas and
understanding of the text. Before
Reading Prior Knowledge
Activation Making
Prediction Students can examine the title,
images and first few sentences to
predict what the text is about.