作者:Rebecca Amama 6 年以前
Rebecca Star Report
In a variety of activities and responsibilities, significant skills and attributes are demonstrated. Teamwork is highlighted through participation in a summer soccer league, focusing on collaboration to score goals and maintain possession.
Rebecca Star Report Motivation and Initiative Strong Work Ethic I got a job helping with the
janitorial/maintenance work at school I asked the facilities director if I could
have a job working for him Find out if the facilities director had
work and if I could work for him I was looking for a part time job
after school Problem Solving Skills The music department had an amplifier so I had less to bring in I communicated with Mark and the music department and sorted it out I had to find out if the music department had an amplifier for me to use Preparing for my placement interview Communication Skills I presented well and got a good mark The teacher didn't sign me up because
he knew that I don't do well when I
present and I decided to ask him to Students had to make presentation about
there Co-op placement and presented
at Celebration of Learning (COL) At Hamilton District Christian High (HDCH) Teamwork We tried our best and had fun and
near the end of the season we
started winning more Pass the ball and shoot on the net Work together to score goals and
keep the ball away from the other
team Playing soccer on a team in league
in the summer Integrity I got a lot of high fives I held the door open Help people get through the doorway
quicker and easier At AOYC there were a lot of people going
through the doors Flexibility/Adaptability Skills We finished the project on time and
handed in good work One person dropped the class, one
person didn't show up, so I was left
with one other person Create a group presentation Group work in college Organizational Skills 3 year old's had fun and enjoyed playing
with there little monsters I googled images of crafts for 3 year
old's, got supplies, organized a day
to lead that craft I had to organize a craft for the 3 year old's at the daycare Doing a Co-op at Lakeview Daycare Technical Skills Interpersonal Skills Subtopic