作者:Vincent Nguyen 7 年以前
Teacher Activity: The teacher will be asking students questions on the oppression of African American's during reconstruction, and ask students to define key Vocabulary. Teacher Activity: The teacher will place students into groups, and provide students with a poster construction paper and primary sources. The teacher will give students directions and a brief summary of each primary source. The teacher will walk around the classroom to assist students and answer questions. Student Activity: Students will volunteer and be prepared to think about the questions and respond to the teacher. Student Activity: Students will be working in group to read and analyze primary sources provided by the teacher. Students will engage in discussion and communicate their analysis of the primary sources. Students will be using the primary sources to explain with evidence how African Americans were oppressed or discriminated against. Students will write down a total of 8 analysis on their poster, and prepare to present to the entire class their analysis.
Teacher Activity: The teacher will be opening the lesson by having students analyze three political cartoons relating to the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment, to gauge prior knowledge and lead into the photo analysis game. The teacher will call on students to provide their analysis. Teacher Activity: The teacher will be facilitating the photo analysis game. The teacher will present a photo on the projector. After ten seconds the teacher will cover the photo. The teacher will stop student collaboration after thirty seconds. The teacher will provide points to teams that received the correct answer. Teacher Activity: The teacher will review with the students why the photo resembles closest with the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment. Student Activity:Students will be analyzing the three political cartoons on the projector. Students will be called on to provide their analysis. Student Activity:Students will be analyzing political photos on the projector for ten seconds. They will then have thirty seconds to collaborate with their group. Students will write down on their small white boards whether that photo matches with the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment. After thirty seconds, students will stop and raise their whiteboards up. Student Activity:Students will be explaining to the teacher their analysis of the photo, and their reason for choosing the amendment.
Students will be provided primary source readings. Students will read and utilize the primary source readings to answer the second set of critical thinking questions. Students will stand up, and each student in a group will respond to a question. Students will answer follow up questions from the teacher. Other students will be asking other groups questions or create debate on areas they do not disagree. The teacher will ask critical thinking questions and create debate by playing devil’s advocate.
Students will be working in groups to answer a set (4 questions) of critical thinking questions. Students will be engaging in discussion with their classmates. Each student in a group will be standing up and responding to one question out loud. Students will answer follow up questions from the teacher.
Students will be called on to define key vocabulary words of the day.
Students be called on to utilize their prior knowledge from the previous day’s lesson to respond to the teacher’s question on the aspects of the 13th, 14th, or 15th Amendment.
The teacher will hand out primary source readings to groups. Students will be called on to answer a second set (4 questions) of critical thinking questions, using the primary sources. Students will stand up and provide their responses to the teacher. The teacher will ask follow up questions to facilitate discussion and gauge higher order thinking. The teacher will go around the class and have each group answer the same questions or add to the answers already presented.
The teacher will use flexible grouping to group students into 4. The teacher will provide students with a set of critical thinking questions (4 questions) for groups. The teacher will utilize the Goldfish Bowl strategy and have the group stand up to present their responses. The teacher will ask follow up questions to facilitate discussion. The teacher will go around the class and have each group answer the same questions or add to the answers already presented. Other students will be asking other groups questions or create debate on areas they do not disagree. The teacher will ask critical thinking questions and create debate by playing devil’s advocate.
The teacher will call on students to define key vocabulary words, and write the word and definition on the board.
The teacher will introduce the lesson by reviewing the lesson from the previous day. The teacher will ask students prior knowledge questions on the aspects of the 13th, 14th, or 15th Amendment.
Student Activity: Students will reflect on the lesson by completing a summary for homework.
Student Activity: Students will work in groups to complete a concept map graphic organizer.
Student Activity: Students will read along or out loud with the teacher during the textbook reading. While reading, students will write down key vocabulary and events in their Cornell Notes.
Student Activity: Student will be working in a think-pair-share activity to analyze a BrainPop.
Teacher Activity: Teacher will be walking around the classroom during the group activity and interact with students to provide clarity, guidance, elaboration, or support.
Teacher Activity: Teacher, along with students, will be reading the textbook out loud to the class.
Student Activity: Student will complete a written reflection for homework, reflecting on the reasons for migration to the North and West, and the Buffalo Soldiers.
Student Activity: Student will complete a guided notes assignment during the lecture.
Student Activity: Students will be working with their partner and group in discussing questions presented by the teacher. Students will respond to critical-thinking questions asked by the teacher.
Teacher Activity: Teacher will give a PowerPoint lecture on the migration of former slaves during Reconstruction.