作者:Rory Marleau 3 年以前
Various types of mirrors, including concave, plane, triple corner, and convex mirrors, each serve distinct purposes based on their reflective properties and structural designs. Concave mirrors are often used in applications like magnifying glasses and telescopes due to their ability to create real images.
Specular Diffuse Rough surfaces The normals are all facing different directions
< r are all different from each other Smooth and flat surfaces All normals are perpendicular to the surface < i = < r Reflection Description of image Type Location Attitude Size Laws The reflected ray, the normal and the incedent ray all lie on the same plane The refelcted ray and incedent ray are on opposite sides of the normal The angle of reflection (r) = the angle of incidence (i) Concave Mirrors creates a real image Magnifying glasses Teloscopes cosmetic or magnifying mirrors Plane Mirrors To check appearances Object distance (di)
in front of the mirror
= Image disntance (di)
behind the mirror Any smooth, flat, reflecting surface Triple Corner Mirrors Retroflection Light rays bouncing off and shining back to the source Applications Reflective clothing Reflective signs Convex Mirrors Diagram Takes up a smaller angle and looks smaller Aplications Car mirrors Security Mirrors Car headlights