作者:Peter Clark 15 年以前
The text explores a journey from self-doubt to new resolve following the death of a loved one, structured in eight four-lined verses. The language and imagery are rich, using personification of emotions and time, dramatic punctuation, and oxymorons to convey the poet'
Remembrance Structure To new resolve to carry on without him Moves from self-dout over her faithfullness to her dead husband Eight 4 lined verses Form A lyrical, elegy or lament Theme Despair Remembrance and moving on Getting over the death of a loved one Love Separation and loss Language and imagery Dramatic use of punctuation - ? ! - to show th strength of the poet's feelings Oxymorons - 'rapturous pain' 'divinest anguish' - the joy and pain of memory Personification of despair Presonification of time as an unstopable wave Repetition - 'cold' 'severed' 'hopes' 'bliss' - emphasises the effect of death Second half - softer hymn like - 'bliss' 'rapturous' First half - hard, harsh words - 'cold' 'sever' 'suffereing' Tone Ultimate tone - determined, certainty, courage, stoicism, strength of will and purpose Then - loving, tender, fond, and passsionate First - questioning and doubtful Varies - mirrors poet's emotions Rhythm and rhyme Feels like an outpouring of emotions Hymnal Slow, sobre and regular