类别 全部 - meiosis - gametogénesis - fecundación - embrionario

作者:WILSON IVAN 7 月以前



La reproducción sexual es un proceso fundamental en los organismos pluricelulares, que implica la fusión de gametos masculinos y femeninos para formar un cigoto diploide. Este proceso comienza con la gametogénesis, donde se generan células reproductoras con la mitad de cromosomas que una célula somática a través de la meiosis.



Identify how rainforest animals have adapted to live in this unique environment.

Rainforests in Central America, Amazon, Asia, Africa, and Australia cover about 6% of our earth's surface, but they are the home ground for more than half of the species of animals in the world.


Desarrollo embrionario

Fecundación es la fusión del gameto femenino con el gameto masculino dando lugar a la célula huevo o cigoto el cual es diploide debido a la fusión de los dos nucleos haploides

The Silvery Gibbon

can only be found on the island of Java, Indonesia. Due to their isolated location, it is estimated that less than 2000 Silvery Gibbons are currently living in their natural habitat.

What layer of the rainforest does the Silvery Gibbon belong to?

The rainforest has 4 main layers:

What characteristics did the gibbon develop to adjust to its environment?

Example: The Silvery Gibbon has long arms that help it swing easily through the branches.


Proceso de formación de las células reproductoras que tienen la mitad de cromosomas que una célula somática

La gametogénesis tiene lugar a partir de células precursoras en los órganos sexuales entran en división por mitosis y dan los lugar a los gametos por meiosis

Organismos unisexuales

Organismos hermafroditas

The Indian Cobra

is the world's most lethal species of cobra. It lives in the forests of India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Bangladesh.

Which layer of the rainforest does the Indian Cobra belong to?

The rainforest has 4 main layers:

What characteristics did the Indian Cobra develop?

Type in the traits that this animal developed in order to adapt to its habitat.

Example: it has patterned, circular lines on the back which creates an optical illusion. This way, it becomes more difficult to spot the Indian Cobra in its natural habitat.

Es la forma de reproducción mas frecuente en los organismos pluricelulares


The Toucan

is one of the most important species in the rainforest because it spreads the seeds of the fruits and plants that it eats, therefore contributing to plant biodiversity.

Forest Layer

Which layer of the rainforest does the toucan belong to?

The rainforest has 4 main layers:



What characteristics did the toucan develop while trying to adapt to this unique environment? Type in as many characteristics as you can find.

Example: Sharp, saw-like bill that helps it crack the nuts, berries and other fruits that it eats.