作者:Alexander Wysocki 3 年以前
The Continuant was the FIRST child of Eon.
The Argonessant Lighthouse project was the first Dragonborn project to be funded from outside Argonessan. It took Dadgeron lots of supplication to convince the Golier Gazelle aka the Glorious Conclave (ruling council). It was almost entirely funded with an undisclosed exchange agreement with the Sylvaxi high council, passing with a tie-breaking vote in-absentia of Eliara Glendafir- her last act as part of the body, and and an incredibly generous grant from the Hallows Reserve and Associates. The remaining funds, small though they were, came from Aniastia and D’Sumaria. Tollimar was able to convince the council because the majority of the money came from private donations, rather than governments; there would be little government involvement from the two largest military powers (Aniastia and D’Sumaria).
Calderath's grandfather's assassination was one of the inciting incidents of the Sylvaxi Civil War
Ehryn and Ash would have recognized the name. Symar to a lesser extent. Born in 1291 in the village of Daggerpeak in the Sunara Mountains north of the city of Frelantia in what was then known as Re’meth to a large family of metalsmiths, Baltazar Galamak kickstarted his fortune by becoming a war profiteer during the 144 years war (circa mid-1300s).
Half Kelvan Elf and half Fenn, he found himself in the unique position to aid his homeland and secretly arm Kelvax (seemingly to extend the war and enlarge his profits). Regardless, when D’Sumaria joined the war in support of Kelvax, Baltazar became an outspoken supporter of King Peregon. When Methkommen was ultimately killed in the battle of Tomithal, he moved his family to D’Sumaria and began to diversify his business interests.
Now, just under 300 years later, Baltazar is the wealthiest merchant in Southern Retzia. Every merchant Guild in D’Sumaria feels his influence even though he refuses to be the actual head of any guild, preferring instead to be an enigmatic recluse, moving sporadically between his estates outside of Invertrace, Proper, and Undhalin.
He is also widely believed to be the true Minister of Commerce in D’Sumaria, although he also turned down that title from Peregon Sumar and the Binary Kings. If Money is changing hands in Southern Retzia, he knows about it.
Kamaria Tyne:
Very little is known. She was or is a High Priestess of Hebatate, the Artisan of Chaos and rebirth and is or was from Magojia. This is only known bc her name was mentioned by the captured High Priestess Vengell after the defeat of Methdexan and the ReaMeth Army at the Battle of the Socian Delta (AKA Proper) (end of Worldbreaker War). Vangell claimed that Kamaria Tyne and the other Hight Priestesses would never allow her to rot in a D’Sumarian prison cell, and when they came, Proper would burn. Her prediction never came to pass. One night, Vengell burst into flames while still bound by her arcane shackles and was incinerated into dust in her cell.
Born into nobility, GA, nee Anexi, was the great-granddaughter of Prime Plutocrat Amasis, the leader of Morlos at the time of the 144 Years War - famous for refusing Peregon Sumar’s invitation to the Council of Nations. Genevieve graduated finishing school at 14 and immediately demanded that she be granted entrance to the D’unruun Social Sciences Academy in Sylvax despite her young age. She scored the highest ever for a non-elf on the entrance exam and was granted access. Finishing the eight-year program in four, she moved back to Morlos with one goal in mind: become the most powerful woman in Morlos.
She began to social climb by pure guile and charm and soon found herself in the circle of R’nault Aravalian, only son of the courier and shipping magnate, Sauvage Aravalian. By all accounts, it was a storybook courtship, ending in their marriage on the Aravalian’s private island, Calape in the Augurist gulf. As tragedy - or luck - would have it, Sauvage passed away suddenly, leaving the entirety of the Aravalian empire to R’nault and Genevieve. There are many rumors Sauvage was assassinated due to his (largely unsubstantiated) rumored connections to several Morlovian organized crime families.
Genevieve moved quickly and swiftly, moving any liquidity into the Aravalian bank and Trust. R’nault has said many times that marrying Genevieve “saved him in more ways than he can say.” “It was her love and business acumen that allowed the Aravalian firms to prosper beyond Sauvage’s wildest dreams.” Their three daughters are Rosamund, Tessalina, and Jessica. Their three sons are Hewart, Castalar, and Talbot. They reside primarily in Kedj K’il, Berenzar, and Calape.
Mihaley family is known to cooperate with Res Ex.
Youngest Aravalians are RUMORED to be involved in organized crime, possibly Res Ex.
Books are clean. They are the predominant banking org in this part of Retzia, Western Sylvax, M’Rov, Morlos, R’aFenn, Kelvax, the continent west of the Everflow River. (wherever Hallows aren’t) The vast majority of their money is in shipping, rather than banking, as they are the only shipping company that deals with Hudnulas, mainly out of Kyleria and Proper. The Aravalians are based out of Kedgk’il in Morlos. The Aravalians, much like the Hallows, are a large family. Marrali knows a few, including Rosamund and her brother, Hewart. They are kind and gorgeous. They are deeply involved in M’Rovian politics. A few of the youngest generations are involved in organized crime.
Genevieve moved quickly and swiftly, moving any liquidity into the Aravalian bank and Trust. R’nault has said many times that marrying Genevieve “saved him in more ways than he can say.” “It was her love and business acumen that allowed the Aravalian firms to prosper beyond Sauvage’s wildest dreams.”
A name for Sam
The Nameless One possesses latent magical energy that erases facts about them. Samiel is a group of a few hundred.
Though used like, "I'm Batman," this is the nickname for Ash's Sam. He's just so cool as to have many imitators.
A Failed Bastard of Eon
name for Sam
The Nameless One possesses latent magical energy that erases facts about them. Samiel is a group of a few hundred.
Though used like, "I'm Batman," this is the nickname for Ash's Sam. He's just so cool as to have many imitators.
Kamaria Tyne
A clandestine meeting. No one within the meeting revealed its purpose. However, we do find a list of attendees: Zemus Hallows (Ash’s GGGF), Dadgeron Tollimar (Symar’s Grandfather), Elliara Glendafir (Rhyll’s mom), Verrar Genasis, Baltazar Galamak (Kelvax/Fenn), Kamaria Tyne, Genavieve Aravalian (M’Griande). The vote was a tie. Ellaria voted to break the tie.
Possible Lighthouse Vote:
AYE: Hallows, Dadgeron, Galamak
NAY: Aravalian, Wvrerrar, Tyne
If the vote was to bring order to chaos, Tyne would have been against it.
Galamak, a recluse, would have probably voted for whatever made him money unless his loyalty to the Binary Kings was in question.
Wvrerrar, Wvarrells are isolationists. They would have voted for non-involvement.
We know that Rand and Nord (and Gadwin, though not as an interventionist) have tasked Symar with saving Dadgeron Tollimar from the River Styx.
Planned the Lighthouse before the breakup of the Archipeligo.
From Bergrel: Tollimar was passing through the underdark working for Maevock Morte , an enigmatic sorcerer/druid. Before the Worldbreaker war, he was a geomancer.
Did Tollimar find the Corrillary points, points where fensriss energy breaks through the surface?
Meavok had the last images of the Fensress inflection map under the Argonesson. He showed them to Tollimar.
"All things are interwoven, but few seek seams."
Maevok was killed by Symar, using the Javelin of Lightning.
Eon's first tries at Gods, crea
A moat of alien thought given form and flesh, Father Llymic is not of this world, and the coming of Llymic will cause the sun to vanish. Known as the end-bringer, he was trapped in an icy prison on a distant plane awaiting a time when the world would be ripe for his coming. If he was released from his prison, the world would be covered with a glacier, removing all light and hope from the world forever.
Beneath the Great Library of Salohira
Hulks of Zoretha: Five giant stone monoliths that stood silent and still for as long as history records. Deep in their stone chests pulse five malevolent entities, intent on destroying life on all planes. Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Blood. (possibly the five stone monoliths in a large cavern under the library with one of five glyphs on its side.) The Hulks of Zoretha are rumored to be protecting Carisar Elojin or Victorless Prize. (World’s greatest artifact, long lost, but depicted on the walls of the Alchemist’s Guild in M’Greande) The Hulks of Zoretha were cast to distant planes, but the sentinel monoliths beneath the library are clearly tied to them in some way.
He was in the Northern District lecture hall discussing that the greatest find of his career, the discovery of the great stone sentinels under the library bear the emblem of the Hulks of Zoretha, was right beneath his feet. This was the single-greatest validation of his work. “Great Evil doesn’t go away. The failed Bastards of Eon still exist. And if the power that great still exists, whatever the distance, however far off a plane they were cast away, it still exists. A recredescent incursion is not only possible it is inevitable.
Five giant sentinel monoliths in a large cavern under the library with one of five glyphs on its side, each representative of one of the Hulks of Zoretha (one of the failed Bastards of Eon (quintuplets)). The symbols are: flame, waterfall, snowflake, tornado, and a skull. After cross referencing, he connected each of them to one of the Hulks of Zoretha.
Artificers follow the Continuant, a being on the plane of Herosia and a guardian of time, and are true Neutral.
Artificer mauls are person-specific, made in Herosia, and made by the army of constructs serving the Continuant.
Use gear shift-shaped stones to plane shift.
As independent contractors, Artificers occasionally work for Res Ex.
Tavir's job in the underdark was to assist with chaos/an assassination if the Grey Hunt went a certain way. His contact from Res Ex was Marrali's Dad.
Hallows Pact
(1) that Zemus Hallows of Lijst Harrow in the Country of D’Sumaria by and with
the consent of his father and mother, Allogor and Brista Hallows,
(2) hath put himself, and by these presents doth voluntarily, and of his own
free will and accord bind himself (as Warlock Prime) and
(3) all of his descendants (as a kindred of warlocks)
(4) unto Ashtaroth, to be referred to only as The Nameless One, to serve in any
capacity The Nameless One sees fit
(5) in exchange for access to eldritch power and financial connections
(6) until the time in which the Vozhark shall be named.
(1) During this term the said Warlock Prime his said Master
a. faithfully shall serve,
b. his secrets keep,
c. his lawful Commands dutifully everywhere obey:
(2) he shall not search for any pathways to do damage to his said Master,
(3) nor attempt to hinder the expedience of his Restoration,
(4) nor shall he waste his said Masters Gifts,
(5) nor lend them unlawfully to any.
(6) He shall not absent himself Day nor Night from his said Masters service
without his leave.
(1) This Pact cannot be broken by any means.
(1) Any child born within the temporal confines of this Pact must be
a. Consecrated and thereby indentured to the service of The Nameless
b. This Consecration shall be performed by the planar ally of The
Nameless One, Dalgramon, and shall consist of
i. fear, induced by near-death,
ii. followed by exposure to The Spark The Lit The Nine Hells.
c. Upon completion of said Consecration, power from The Nameless
One shall be imbued within the Prime Warlock’s descendant.
(1) The naming of the Vozhark shall mark the final days of the Restoration.
(2) The Prime Warlock, by default, shall be the Chosen provided
a. The Nameless One’s approval hath endured.
b. As in all things, the Master reserves the right to choose for himself.
c. The duties of the Vozhark shall be given at the time of naming.
(1) The terms of this Pact shall commence upon the completion of the blood
sacrifice of its signatories.
(2) For the true performance of all, the said parties bind themselves unto the
other by these presents.
(3) In Witness whereof they have hereunto interchangeably put their Hands
and Seals this first Day of Kythorn, in the year One Thousand Five Hundred
and Ninety, United Age.
Sealed and delivered in the Presence of
Allogor Hallows Brista Hallows
Employed Lenny to investigate the followers of Lolth moving to the great old ones.
Theory: Sam would be interested because it would "split the vote" so to speak w/r/t Lolth and make it easier for Sam to retake Igaroth.
The Unnamed Bastard of Eon
The Nameless One
Architect of Baetor, the spark that ignited the Nine Hells. Then, Lolth swept in with promises.
From Marrali's time in between:
The Hallows are contractors (and therefore not his only pact: possibly Mihalys, Aravalians, Galamak?)
Lines of business are the only way back.
From Lenny:
Senizret, the Prime Plutocrat of Morlos, got into trouble with the Alleviators and spell casters of ReaFenn.
What problem do you want to solve?
Type in the box.