类别 全部 - literature - discovery - sampling - report

作者:Basetsana Shela 6 年以前


Research Process Steps

The research process involves several critical steps, beginning with the development of a research question that serves as the foundation for discovering new knowledge. This is followed by an extensive review of literature, where key sources and relevant articles are summarized and evaluated in relation to the research problem.

Research Process Steps

Research Process Steps

7. Discussion and report writing

The report must be submited on a specific date and also have a specific day where the report will be presented - The report was received on 2December 2002 -Then the report eas accpted or presented on 17 December 2002

6. Data analysis and interpretation

Data analysis is the process of seperating data into smaller and manageable parts with the incentives of finding meaninful answers to the research questions nd objectives and to spread the findings (Polit & Beck, 2008:69) -A statiscal analysis of correlated data was used
Interpretatoon of information -Attempting to put information into perspective (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English) -Turkey HSD comparisons were used to check the difference on average age between sex and race groups

5. Choice of methodology, method and selecting a sample.

Probability- Involves a random process in which everyone in the population has an equal, independent chance of being included in a sample
- Systematic sampling -Use of mathematics -A random techinque is used to select the first person from the sampling frame - The sampling stage consisted of a systematic equal probability sampling

Cluster sampling -Groups identified within the population are heterogeneous -Each cluster stands an equal chance of being included in the sample -The sample was used to obtain a nationally representative sample of students in grades 8-10

A positivism- Depends on quanfitable observations that lead to a statistical analysis( Ramanathan, 2008)

The topic is explored in quantitative
Rating and ranking 30 days odf smoking cigarettes: -0 days -3-5 days 6-9 days 10-19days 20-29 days all 30 days

4. Choice of the theoretical approach

3. Relevant review of literature

A summary of key sources,books,etc relevant to a certain problem, theory and giving a descrptive, summary and demanding evaluation in relatuon to the reserch problem being investigated (University of Southern California)
They identiied keyswords and there is an article on ProQuest for such relevant articles.

2. Development of the research question

It serves as the subject matter of communication whereby we reach the point of discoverying new knowledge ( Nichols Walliam, 2011
How to prevent future underaged children from smoking cigarettes regarding the adolsents stage in line with the recent Tobacco Products Control Amendent Act

1. Statement of the research problem

Use of cigarettes among male and female grade8-10 students of different ethnicity in South African schools