作者:Boxless English 1 年以前
Appearance 2
Match the sentences below to the pictures.
6. He is combing his hair.
5. She is getting a haircut.
4. He is shaving.
3. She is brushing her hair.
2. He is getting dressed.
1. She is putting on makeup.
Work in with your teacher. Think of a famous actor or actress, but don’t tell your partner his/her name. Your partner has to ask the questions below to find out who the person is. Change roles and repeat the exercise.
• Does he/she have tan/pale/freckled skin?
• Does he/she have curly/wavy/straight hair?
• Is he/she tall/short/overweight ...?
• What color is his/her hair?
• Is he/she handsome/beautiful?
Four of the words on the left can be used in a critical or negative way. Which ones?
Write here
e. young
d. weak
c. ugly
b. thin
a. short
5. tall
4. old
3. strong
2. fat
1. beautiful
write here
3. The woman on the right looks very muscular/overweight . She has straight/curly blond/brown/ginger hair and her skin is really pale/tan.
2. The man in the middle looks slim/overweight . He has long/short, black/blond hair and his skin is very freckled/pale.
1. The girl in the picture on the left has straight/wavy, blond/dark hair. She looks slim/overweight and her skin is rather pale/tan.
Find the meaning of the following adjectives in a dictionary.
Body type: tall, short, slim, overweight, muscular, thin
Skin type: dark, tan, pale, freckled
Hair color: blond, dark, brown, grey, ginger
Hair type: straight, curly, wavy, short, long
Now look at the people on the right and complete the descriptions.
How do different nationalities behave? At least 10 nationalities - If possible make in Powerpoint
Remember, when we talk about people’s ‘general behaviour’, we say ‘They are ...’, for example:
Frenches dont like take a shower Japaneses are very higyenic When we needed help at honeymoon, the spanishes were very rude Americans feel the best of the world, they are very arrogant (Brazilians love a lot samba and caipirinha Brazilians love samba and caipirinha very much) Argentineans think the soccer is amazing Chileans are all equals Caribbeans love to swim in the sea Londoners seem to me very cheerful Dutchmen like to walk on the bicicle
Plurals 2
To believe (verb) = acreditar
Lives (noun) = vidas
To live (verb) = morar
Leaves (noun) = folhas
To leave (verb) = sair
Italians are usually cheerful and friendly.
Look at what John said below. Describe how he is behaving using the present continuous of ‘be’ + adjectives from this lesson.
6. "Thank you very much for your help."
John is being generous John is being friendly
5. "I look older, but I’m only 28 years old."
John is being cheerful John is being friendly
4. "I’m American."
John is being arrogant John is selfish
3. "I hate this job. I do the same thing every day. I don’t want to go back to work."
John is being boring John is upset John is being pessimist John is frustrated
2. "I can’t help you. I’m not from France. Please go away!"
John is being stupid and rude
1. "I learned French in a week. I’m so wonderful."
John is behaving in a arrogant way rigth now
John is being arrogant
Normally, we don’t use the present continuous of the verb ‘be’. However, when we talk about somebody’s behavior, we can use the present continuous of ‘be’. The meaning is:
John is behaving in a stupid way right now. (NOT: John is generally stupid.)
Some of the adjectives in this lesson can also describe a person’s behavior. Study the sentence below about John, a 40-year-old American tourist in Paris.
John is being stupid.
In On At
more exercises
Now match the adjectives on the left with their opposites on the right:
f. stupid
4. smart
Smart people have success in life, on the other hand stupid people don´t.
e. selfish
6. cheerful
I love to travel with cheerful person and I don´t like with selfish.
d. polite
5. rude
I don´t go well with rude person, but I love live with polite person.
c. miserable
1. generous
My father is really generous, but my uncle Taide is miserable.
b. interesting
2. boring
I know someone named Nélio, he´s very boring. I think Pedro Bial is an interesting person.
a. confident
3. shy
My kid is very shy, but my daugher is confident.
Which of these adjectives are qualities? Which are flaws?
Qualities: Friendly, Generous, Funny, Smart, Honest and Cheerful Flaws: Arrogant, Boring, Rude Neutral: Shy
Study the following adjectives. Find their meaning and complete the sentences.
10. Pedro is a very _________ guy. He likes smiling and laughing.
9. Angela is a very _________ girl. She doesn’t speak when there are a lot of people around her.
8. Kate is really _________. She never says "please," "thank you," or "you’re welcome".
7. Akiko is very _________. She never lies.
6. Steven is quite _________. When I listen to him, I want to sleep.
5. Jack is very _________. He can learn a new language in just one month!.
4. Darrel is very _________. He thinks he is better than everybody else.
3. George is so _________. I always laugh when I spend time with him
2. My grandmother is very _________. Every time I see her, she gives me 100 dollars!
1. Joseph is very friendly. Everybody likes him!
Can I borrow your pen for a minute?
No problem
Can I have another apple?
Go ahead
This road is very dangerous.
I’ve got a new job!
Congratulations Good luck
Thank you for the invitation.
No problem Don´t mention it
Can I use your toilet, please?
No problem Help yourself
My sister didn't pass in her interview
What a pity I´m sorry
Can you borrow me your phone, please?
borrow = pegando de uma pessoa
lend = emprestando
Your brother was very helpful
helpful = prestativo
Glad to hear that Happy to hear that That´s amazing
Have a nice summer vacation.
Same to you Thank you
My grandmother died yesterday.
My condolences I´m sorry God bless you
It's getting late and I'm really tired
Let's call it a day
If we stop to go sightseeing we will be late to our destination.
It is all right Never mind
I'm going to the gym now, I can give you a lift to your work.
Thanks. I would appreciate that Thank you Sure Of course
I have a job interview today.
good luck Everything will be all right Good luck
10. I passed my driving test! !
9. My aunt died today. .
My condolences
8. Could you pass me the salt, please? .
Here you are
7. Have a good weekend. .
Same to you For you too
6. Can I take another chocolate? .
Help yourself
Se sirva
Fique a vontade
5. I don’t think we will have time to stop there. .
Never mind
Deixa pra lá
deixa queto
4. I must drive home now, but I am very tired. !
Be careful
3. Cheers! !
2. Atchoo! .
Bless you
1. I have an important exam tomorrow. !
What a pity
Don't mention it
"Can I ask you a question?"
Go ahead Sure It´s all right
"Thank you for all your help."
Glad to hear that Don't mention it No problem
Teacher: "OK everyone, I think that is all for today...."
Let's call it a day
"If we try to use that cupom maybe we can have some discount."
Good point
"It was very easy to find your house!"
It is all right Glad to hear that
"I am sorry but I can't meet you today, I will have an important test tomorrow and I have to study"
Good luck What a pity
Everything will be all right
"Sorry to keep you waiting."
No problem
"I'm going to the airport in five minutes, would you like a lift?"
Thanks. I would appreciate that
"Could you pass me the calculator, please?"
Here you are It is here
Example: "You have great ideas, you should pitch them to someone who can help you"
2. By the book -> fazer as coisas 100% de acordo com as regras.
Example: "My brother is very organized and methodic. He likes to do everything by the book."
3. Safe bet ->algo que tem uma alta probabilidade de acontecer
Example: "It's a safe bet to invest in Tesouro Direto."
4. A long shot -> algo que tem uma baixa probabilidade de acontecer.
Example: "Personally, I believe that is a long shot we will be promoted."
5. Get the ball rolling -> começar algo com antecedência
Example: "We really need to get the ball rolling on this project. The deadline is next month."
6. Get the foot in the door -> começar algo do zero sem ajuda de ninguém.
Example: "I got the foot in the door working as a salesperson in the shopping mall."
Did you need to get a foot in the door at the start of your career?
Yes, I did. I got a foot in the door working as a model. I got a foot in the door working as a trainee in the INSS
Do you always get the ball rolling early on personal projects?
Depends on the situation Yes, I do. I like to get the ball rolling in my life I don´t have time to get the ball rolling
What would you describe as a safe bet in your area? What would you describe as a long shot?
It´s a safe bet to learn language Java It´s a long shot if you don´t study
It's a safe bet study for exam and it's a long shot if you do not have OAB
Do you always do things by the book in your life?
no, we don't
Do you sometimes pitch ideas to your colleagues or friends?
yes, we pitch ideas about wine
In Europe there is not a predominant brand In Europe do not have a predominant brand
our = nosso
your = seus
It's real that netflix is very popular in Brazil
It's not new to us that google is the most popular brand in the world
The Most Popular Brands In Every Country
What is your opinion about it?
Respond to the sentences below:
9. Sorry, I forgot your name
No problem / Never mind / ok, it's all right
8. I have a job interview today.
Good Luck / Everything Is Going To be all Right / Call me after/later/ Text me Later / whatsapp me later
7. It’s time to go. Bye.
Bye / See you / See you later/ I'm going too/ Let's call it a day
6. Would you like some chocolate cake?
No, tahnks, I'm on a diet, I don't like, Great, of course, Is lacto free?
5. Would you like a black coffee?
No, thanks/ cheers / Yes, please / Sure, thank you
4. Have a nice day!
Thanks / For you too/ Some too you
3. How are things?
Good / Fine / Not too bad
2. Can you give me that bag?
Yes, sure / Here it is / Here you are / Of course
1. Thanks for all your help.
You´re welcome / No problem / That´s ok / Never mind
Connect the appropriate expression with the missing part.
A: I have an important exam tomorrow. B: ________!
Good luck
Boa sorte
A: How are you? B: ________.
Fine, thanks
A: Thank you. B: ________.
That is okay!
A: Can I have that pen, please? B: ________.
It’s all right
Está tudo bem!
A: Have a nice weekend! B: ________.
Have a nice weekend - tenha um bom final de semana
Weekend - final de semana!
Same to you
Pra você também
A: I have to go now. B: ________. Bye
I have to go now - eu tenho que ir agora!
A: Sorry, I’m late. B: ________. I have nothing to do today.
Late - atrasado
I have nothing to do today - eu não tenho nada para fazer hoje
No problem!
Sem problemas
A: Would you like something to drink? B: ________. I’m very thirsty.
Thirsty - com sede
I am thirsty - eu estou com sede
I am not thirsty - eu não estou com sede
Yes, I would
A: Would you like something to eat? B: ________. I’m not hungry.
Hungry - com fome
I am hungry - eu estou com fome
I am not hungry - eu não estou com fome
No, thanks
Lisa e Ricardo estão em Londres. Eles começam a conversar na rua. Complete a conversa e fale em voz alta junto com a sua professora. Use abreviações onde for possível.
___Yes_____, please. I need a coffee.
I _am__________ thirty-six. My sister is fifty-two.
I __am_______ from Germany. How old are you?
Are you ___from___________ Italy?
Two weeks. And ___you_________?
Yes, I’m here with my family. They __are______ at the hotel now.
Hi, I’m Lisa. Nice to _meet you.
Would you __like______ something to drink?
I’m thirty-six. My brother _is___ thirty-nine. How old are you?
No, we _are not____. We’re from Brazil. Where are you from?
I’m taking an _english____ class with my brother. We are staying here for six weeks.
How long are you staying?
Nice to meet you too. __Are________ you here on vacation?
Hi. My _name__ is Ricardo. What’s your name?
Marie is in her English class. She meets another student. Listen to the conversation and practice out loud.
Yes, I’d like a coffee.
Is he the teacher?
Teacher: speaks "Hi everyone! The class starts in ten minutes."
For six weeks. What about you?
I’m from Spain. And you?
I’m Luis. Nice to meet you.
I’m fine. And you?
Yes, he is. Would you like something to drink before class?
Teacher: "Hi everyone! The class starts in ten minutes."
For one month.
I’m from France. I live in Paris. How long are you staying here?
pq staying?
Nice to meet you too. Where are you from?
I’m fine, thanks. ... My name is Marie. What’s your name?
Hi, how are you?
I am from Dublin. I am Irish.
I am from Miami. I am American.
I am from Moscow. I am Russian.
I am from São Paulo. I am Brazilian
the United States
Where is the nearest subway station?
Subway (US)
Tube (UK)
How can I get there?
Where is it?
How do you do?
How are you feeling?
What time is the next train/flight/bus?
What time is it?
What is the most common dish in your country?
Qual é o prato(dish) mais comum do seu país?
How is the weather in your country?
Em que lugar ?? Mais informação
If you want to take away...
Can I have this to take out / takeaway?
Can I have this to go?
Be polite...
Can I get it?
May I have it ?
Hello, I would like to have this...
What is the price of it?
How much does it cost?
Do you know how much does it cost?
How much is it?
Sorry, do you work here?
Sorry, do you speak English?
Sorry, can you help me?
Have a good...
Take care
Se cuida!
See you later
See you soon
Bye for now
Usamos essa expressão quando sabemos que vamos ver a pessoa em breve (normalmente no mesmo dia)
Peace out
Fica bem...
Fica em paz...
See you
Take it easy
Toma cuidado..
Pega leve..
Vai com cuidado..
I will catch up with you later
Depois nos falamos mais..
Depois te atualizo de tudo...
Bye bye
Essa linguagem/abordagem deve ser utilizada em ambientes de trabalho, reuniões, entrevistas ou ambientes acadêmicos.
Times of the day
Exemplo: How can I help you, sir?
This is Sir Elton John!
It is a pleasure to meet you!
É um prazer te conhecer
It is nice to meet you too.
É um prazer te conhecer, também.
How old are you?
Quantos anos você está?
I am forty-one
Eu estou com quarenta e um
Where are you from?
De onde você vem?
I am from Paris, France
Eu sou de Paris, França
How are you?
Como você está?
I am fine, thanks!
Estou bem, obrigado (a)
What is your name?
Qual o seu nome?
My name is Marie Bernard
Meu nome é Marie Bernard
Você usa essa linguagem/abordagem com amigos e familiares
Conversation: Match the question with the answers:
Yes, I am on an English Course
Sim, eu estou em um curso de inglês
Are you studying here?
Você está estudando aqui?
Yes, I am here with my husband/wife
Sim, eu estou aqui com o meu esposo/esposa
Are you here on holiday?
Você está aqui de férias?
No thanks, I have water
Não, obrigado(a), eu tenho água
Would you like something to drink?
Você gostaria de beber alguma coisa?
Hi! What's up?
Oi! E aí, como estão as coisas?
For ten days
Por dez dias
How long are you staying here?
Por quanto tempo você está ficando aqui?
Additional Material
Vídeo sobre Informal/Formal
More greetings :)