类别 全部 - mapas - infografías - audio - interacción

作者:Rosa Aldana 3 年以前


Seminario Gestiòn de Proyectos Sostenibles

Las herramientas tecnológicas se han convertido en recursos esenciales en diversos ámbitos, facilitando tareas y mejorando la eficiencia. Mindomo permite la creación de mapas mentales y conceptuales, ideales para organizar y visualizar ideas.

Seminario Gestiòn de Proyectos Sostenibles

Herramientas tecnològicas


Se utiliza para crear cuestionarios divertidos

Wildcats need continual attention, to ensure that they turn into Stars, or are revised before losses mount up.

The issues that make Wildcats risky must be stabilized.

How will you control Wildcats?

Type in an idea.


Se utiliza para publicar textos o difundir informacion

It may be better to divert resources away from Dogs into other areas with more growth potential, by either selling or discontinuing them.

But if they need more investment, then they should be made to compete with other investment opportunities.

What will you do with Dogs?

Type in an idea.


Se utiliza para crear infografìas, presentaciones de imagines

Cash Cows generate profit and allow you to take chances on Wildcats. It is important to maintain these Cash Cows for as long as they are profitable.

Eventually, they will migrate to Dogs and will start to cost money and opportunities.

How will you protect Cash Cows?

Type in an idea.


Se utiliza para interactuar, asignar y calificar el trabajo de los estudiantes


Se utiliza para la creaciòn de mapas mentales y conceptuales

When the market for your Star products or services levels off, you need to ensure that you maintain a strong market share so that you can continue to make a return on investment.

How will Stars become Cash Cows?

Type in an idea.


Se utiliza para compartir audio y mùsica

Typical lifecycles are:

Do you have enough Wildcats, Stars and Cash Cows?

What action do you need to take to balance the matrix? Type in an idea.

Seminario Gestiòn de Proyectos Sostenibles

Whose portfolio are you analyzing?

Type in the name of the organization whose portfolio you are analyzing.