作者:martha cecilia campo garcia 2 年以前
What is your business proposal about?
Give it a name. Type it in.
What other options could solve the problem? Add an alternative.
Related information about the options that have been identified might be needed.
Add resource(s)
Disadvantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view.
Add a disadvantage
Advantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view.
Add an advantage
Ensure that the advantages you identify are relevant to the client, from their point of view.
Add an advantage
Acknowledge disadvantages early and deal with them in your proposal.
Add a disadvantage
Match up the solution with the issue or opportunity that you are addressing.
Add detail(s)
Develop the key points of your proposed solution.
Add a note
vacunación estratégica
Trabajo de podología, evitar sobre ordeño
Defining clear objectives is the key to building a good proposal.
What are your objectives?
This section should not be included in the proposal.
What action(s) are you aiming for?
What do you want the client to do, as a result of this proposal?
What is the purpose of your proposal?
What will your proposal lead to?