作者:Shweta karki 2 年以前
Six kingdom of life
Living organisms are classified into six kingdoms, with Eubacteria, Plants, and Protists showcasing diverse characteristics. Eubacteria are unicellular prokaryotes found everywhere except extreme environments.
Six kingdom of life Eubacteria Bacteria, cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), and actinobacteria Depending on species, nutrition intake may occur through absorption, photosynthesis, or chemosynthesis Asexual Depending on species, oxygen may be toxic, tolerated, or needed for metabolism some motile fix nitrogen
peptidoglycan Bacteria Live Everywhere, EXCEPT extreme environments, including in human.
Harmful and beneficial
Protists Amoebae, green algae, brown algae, diatoms, euglena, and slime molds Depending on species, nutrition intake may occur through absorption, photosynthesis, or ingestion
Mostly asexual, but meiosis occurs in some species motile/nonmotile algae major aquatic oxygen & food producers
algal bloom
pectin or none
(green algae: cellulose)
Unicellular and Multi cellular
All Eukaryote (Complex with nucleus and organelles)
Odds and ends kingdom members are different Plants trees
autotroph sexual/asexual physical and chemical events of photosynthesis, respiration, and the synthesis and degradation of organic compounds major oxygen & food source (photosynthesis - trophic level 1) cellulose Multicellular consists of complex cells.
Add your text Photosynthesis
12 major groups or Phyla
Classified by tissue, seed and stature
Archaebacteria Methanogens, halophiles, thermophiles, and psychrophiles Depending on species, nutrition intake may occur through absorption, non-photosynthetic photophosphorylation, or chemosynthesis Asexual reproduction by binary fission, budding, or fragmentation Depending on species, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfur, or sulfide may be needed for metabolism nonmotile contains uncommon lipids Unicellular
Prokaryotes (simple cells no nucleus)
Archaea Extreme salty water, sewer, acid, thermal
3.5 billion years old
No oxygen
Fungi Mushrooms, yeast, and molds Absorption Sexual or asexual through spore formation most nonmotile decomposers chitin Unicellular (yeast only)
Rest are multicellular
All Eukaryote
Fungi 'eat' by releasing enzymes to break down nutrients then absorb.
Fungi always live in and on their food.
Animals Example Mammals, amphibians, sponges, insects, worms Nutrition Ingestion Reproduction Sexual reproduction occurs in most and asexual reproduction in some Metabolism Oxygen is needed for metabolism Motility motile Ecological Importance human impact on environment Cell Wall none Cell Type Multicellular
Domain Eukarya Description Oxygen
Over 2 million species