作者:James McElroy 5 年以前
Social Media
Terms & Concepts
Social media encompasses various platforms that enable users to share content, communicate, and interact with others online. Prominent platforms include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Google+, and MySpace, each offering unique features and functionalities.
Social Media
Terms & Concepts Sociality Topic restrictions/
character limit Size of audience Open to the general public Controlled audience Group chat One on one Open entry vs.
members only Content Videos Podcasts News information Advertisments Blogs Fuctionality/
Features Liking/Disliking Re-posting/Sharing Blogging Text messaging Video messaging Communication/
Connectivity Wifi availability: Where
and when can you access
these platforms? Portability: Accessibility
on the go Social Capital: What is
gained through these
social platforms? Affordability: Are the
devices, and apps that
are necessary
affordable? Control Ability to dictate how
long posts are available
to see for your viewers.
I.e Snapchat pictures,
and Instagram stories. Facebook allows you to
control which friend's
posts appear more, or less. Certain social media sites
give you the possibility
to control whether or not
you appear online, or offline. Having the ability
to control what kind of
advertisements you see Who will be your audience? Being able to restrict,
or block certain people
from viewing your content. Being able to add
people to your friends
list, or followers. Platform Types Google+ MySpace TikTok Instagram Twitter Facebook