Spanish I - Chris & Kaylee
The content covers basic Spanish vocabulary and grammar useful for beginners. It includes common clothing items such as dress, tie, suit, sweater, coat, and shoe. Verb conjugations are detailed for three types of endings:
Verb Juego - Play Duerme - Sleep Lleva - Carry Camina - Walk Maneja - Drive Escribe - Write Nada - Swim Cocina - Cook Corre - Run Lee - Read Bebe - Drink Come - Eat Clothes Zapato - Shoe Vestido - Dress Traje - Suit Abrigo - Coat Suéter - Sweater Corbata - Tie Spanish I - Chris & Kaylee Times of Day Noche - Night Tarde - Afternoon Mediodia - Midday Manana - Morning Parts of a House Inodoro - Toilet Ventana - Window Fregadero - Sink Cocina - Kitchen Bano - Bathroom Sala de Estar - Living Room People Adulto - Adult Hombre - Man Abuelo - Grandpa Hermana - Sister Hermano - Brother Hijo - Son Hija - Daughter Mujer - Women Nino - Boy Nina - Girl Subject Pronouns Ellas - they (Plural) ellos - they (Plural ustedes - you (plural) nosotras - us (Plural) nosotros - us (Plural) ella - she (Singular) el - he (Singular) usted - you (Singular)l tu - you (Singular) yo - me (Singular)l Food/Drinks Cafe - Coffee Pan - Bread Manzana - Apple Huevo - Egg Calendar Words Año - Year Mes - Month Semana - Week Dia - Day Verb Endings -ir Viven Vivimos Vive Vives Vivo Vivir (base) -er Leen Leemos Lee Lees Leo Leer (base) -ar Estudian Estudiamos Estudia Estudias Estudio Estudiar (base)