作者:Vera Odaryuk 7 年以前
The curriculum for 4º ESO includes a comprehensive array of skills across several units and topics, focusing on developing students' proficiency in English. Writing tasks cover various formats such as emails, essays, formal and informal letters, as well as creative tasks like describing friends and routines.
ENGLISH CONTENTS OF 4º ESO Writing Omiting words in informal English Informal letter Too and either Advantages and disavantages Modifying adverbs Essay Cheaking your work Campaign leaflet Formal letters Application letter Useful phrases for emails Email Making notes Lifestyle report Paragraphs Description of a place But / although Portrait of a friend Do a QR code Describe your best friend Is English language important? Why do move our clock backwards My routine Speaking Advantages and disadvantages of using the mobile phone Video presentation My company Anglosaxon topics Tourist information Present Perfect / Past Simple Presentation of myself Vocabulary Speech verbs Internet British and American English Bikes and cars Transitive phrasal verbs Money Adjectives ending in -ING and -ED Climate change Verb odjective + preposition Jobs Compound nouns Relationship Words that are nouns and verbs The human body Extreme adjectives Landscapes Negative prefixes Fashion Grammar Unit 9 May, might, could Reported Speech Unit 8 Relative clauses Passive Unit 7 Should / Shouldn't Second conditional Unit 6 First conditional Will and going to: contrast Going to: predicitions Will: decisions, offers and promises Unit 5 Result clauses: so and such Not as... as Comparative and superlative adjectives Unit 4 Present perfect and past simple Past simple with ago Present perfect with for and since Unit 3 Present perfect with already and yet Present perfect with just Presente perfect Unit 2 Used to Past simple and past continuous Unit 1 Subject and object questions Like, Hate, etc. + -ING form Present tense contrast Reading John Fitzgerald Kennedy Sherlock Holmes Short Stories Communication At post office Catching a bus In a clothes shop Making arrangements Job interview Getting to know people At the doctor's Asking for information Expressing likes and dislikes