类别 全部 - obedience - honesty - charity - justice

作者:Jaclyn Branch 4 年以前


Summarize and Assess: Ethics in Everyday Life

The exploration of ethics in everyday life encompasses various branches of applied ethics, metaethics, and normative ethics, each illustrated through real-world examples. Applied ethics examines practical scenarios like justice systems and the importance of honest business practices, emphasizing honesty as a fundamental policy.

Summarize and Assess: Ethics in Everyday Life

Summarize and Assess: Ethics in Everyday Life

Bibliography Applied ethics. (2020, June 14). Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Applied_ethics#:~:text=Applied ethics refers to the practical application of,example, the bioethics community is concerned with identifying T0nywilliams Follow. (2012, January 17). Meta ethics-1. Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/t0nywilliams/meta-ethics1 What are some examples of normative ethics? (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-examples-of-normative-ethics#:~:text= Examples of normative ethical claims would include:,dad was a man of integrity.” More


- Real World Example 2: Prescriptivism- When in a large group of people sometimes the worst decision is made because its concealed by the fact you are being convinced its right.
(The Ten Commandments -The Qur’an (Islam)-Do not indulge in shameful acts openly or secretly.)
Immoral Behavior

Rule of in unspoken moral code and certain moral systems that you need to be true to what YOU think is wrong and right.

- Real World Example 1: Intuitionism- When possibly going to do something wrong with your friends, trusting your gut instinct that is differing right from wrong, will help you make the right decision.
(Anishinaabe Seven Grandfather Teachings) Debwewin – Truth: You have to look at yourself before you judge another’s way of walking.)

Understanding the theories and roots does greatly help when it come to deciding what is morally right and wrong because we are able to see what aspects of are moral code are implemented in our belief system and what sort of mentally is moral or immoral. When rules are universal, I feel it makes it easier to make the good decision because we are constantly being fed what is right and wrong. What I identified as moral behavior are what I believe I would do and what I believe and the one example that I said was immoral about feeding into peer pressure is what I actually think is immoral because I used to ant to be apart of a certain crowed and would give into peer pressure and it could have lead me down a really dark path but I chose to break my unhealthy cycle and follow my gut.

Normative Ethics

- Real World Example 2: “Giving to charity is good, but not ethically mandatory.”
(The Ten Commandments: The Qur’an (Islam)- Protect the orphans' property: This means protect the rights of the weak. People remember the rights of the strong but of the weak they forget.)
- Real World Example 1: “Murder is wrong.”
(The Ten Commandments: The Bible (Christian) - Thou shalt not kill.)

Applied Ethics

- Real World Example 2: Obedience to parents.
(The Ten Commandments: The Qur’an (Islam)- Be kind to your parents.)
- Real World Example 1: Justice Systems.
(The Ten Commandments- The Qur’an (Islam)- Grant full measure and weight in all fairness: One should always be mindful of doing business in an honest way. People forget that honesty should be the policy in all business.
Moral Behavior