Table of Contents
This text outlines various sections and chapters of a book that delves into the exploration of feminine power, inner beauty, and relationships. The book appears to be structured around the journey of becoming a "
Table of Contents Section V:
Have your way with the world; love is the only way. Chapter 20: Dreams and Desires Chapter 19: Abundance, Gratitude and Pleasure Chapter 18: Code of Honor and Rituals Chapter 17: Take a stand for my relationship Section III:
Passion is a natural state for a Goddess. Chapter 12: Silence and Inner Beauty Chapter 11: Seduction Chapter 10: Unconditional love and Massive Joy Chapter 9: A Goddess must practice five disciplines. Section I:
Life did not make sense Chapter 4: The path of fear or the path of faith Chapter 3: Compassion, Forgiveness and Limbo Chapter 2: Facts and decisions Chapter 1: The day I got the bad news Who is Stephanie Fiallo? Section VII:
Be an Irresistible Goddess Chapter 26: Three Gifts For You - Certificate, Decree and Diploma
Chapter 25: Agreements, Section VI:
The impact of a Peaceful Goddess in the world. Chapter: 24: The Circle of Goddess in the World Chapter 23: Relationship with money Chapter 21: Relationship with the family Section IV:
Pain or Pleasure: Choose!!! Chapter 16: Get Love into the background Chapter 15: Close the back door Chapter 14: The power of partnership Chapter 13: Difference between Goddesses and Heroes. Section II:
The Path to meet the Goddess with in me Chapter 8: How to find God through intimacy Chapter 7: The power of love, hugs and kisses Chapter 6: Dating: nightmare or privilege Chapter 5: The privilege of being me. Why I am writing this book?