作者:ashley cameron 9 年以前
Teaching with Technology
Integrating technology into educational settings can significantly enhance the learning experience by enabling the creation of multimodal texts, which engage students through various media forms and make learning more dynamic.
How can the use of technology transform learning? frame research question Should technology be available to students within the classroom? How is technology helpful/harmful to learning? locate creditability/relevant information Identify key ideas concepts (patterns) across multiple texts reliable data bases/search engines filters search results operators annotate/interrogate text(s) What are the biases? What is missing? What is the intended purpose of the text? What main ideas and/or key concepts present throughout the text? Who is the author? How does the author position themselves, as well as the reader? Construct multimodal text intentional: authentic audience informative meaningful: convey purpose design principals evaluate creditability Consistency of key ideas and concepts across various texts Publication date Author: How does the author position themselves, as well as their reader?