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作者:keviin galeano 4 年以前


Teorias del comercio internacional.

Existen diversas teorías que explican el comercio internacional y sus dinámicas. La teoría de la ventaja absoluta, promovida por Adam Smith, sostiene que un país siempre tiene una ventaja natural o económica sobre otro.

Teorias del comercio internacional.

Teorias del comercio internacional.

Think of a name for your business.

Nueva teoría del comercio internacional

You’ll use your employer identification number (EIN) for essential steps to start and grow your business, like opening a bank account and paying taxes.

Some states require you to get a tax ID as well.

En esta teoría muchas industrias experimentaban rendimientos crecientes de la especialización, debido a la presencia de economías sustanciales de escala.

Type in stock type or choose from the list below.

Growth stocksDividend stocksInitial Public OfferingsDefensive stocks
Entre finales de la década de 1970 y principios de 1980

What is the property tax?

Your business purpose is the reason you have formed your company boiled down to a single sentence.

Paul Krugman James Brander, Barbara Spencer, Avinash Dixit

There are four types of stocks that an investor should own:

Teoría de la Dotación de Factores

The licenses and permits you need for your business will vary by industry, state, location, and other factors.

Estudia la especialización de los países en el comercio exterior de acuerdo a la dotación o disponibilidad de los factores.

What is your business purpose?

The Employer Identification Number is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification.

Apply for an Employer Identification Number.

Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX entre los años 1919 y 1933

Tax Identification numbers can be found on tax assessments in the right upper corner on the first page.

Get federal and state tax ID.

The licenses and permits you need from the state, county, or city will depend on your business activities and business location.

Heckscher-Ohlin Eli Heckscher Bertil Ohlin

What are the state license and permit you already have?

Teoría de la Ventaja Comparativa

Unless you're planning to be your only employee, you will need to hire a great team to start your company.

Es la capacidad que tiene un país para producir un bien utilizando relativamente menos recursos que otros países.

You'll need to get a federal license or permit if your business activities are regulated by a federal agency.

Requirements and fees depend on your business activity and the agency issuing the license or permit. It's best to check with the issuing agency for details on the business license cost.

What is your business activity?

en los siglos XVIII, XIX y primera mitad del siglo XX

Type in a description of your business.

Type in his/her name.

David Ricardo

What is his function in your business?

Choose from the ones below or type in another.

Business partnerRecruiterMarketing SpecialistProgrammerAccountant


When you are trying to open a business bank account, think about the benefits it should offer:

Como consecuencia del comercio, existen diferencias marcadas sobre los medios y recursos con que cuenta cada país para producir unos bienes. Así mismo estas diferencias operan en la forma de producir de cada país y al haber este tipo de diferencias, en cuanto a recursos naturales, capital, tecnología, etc, habrá diferente contenido de valor en cada bien producido, lo que hace que algunos bienes al ser importados o exportados lleven más o menos valor en sí mismos.

There are a lot of bank accounts with benefits out there, but you have to be careful that the one you choose is worth the money.


Before you start selling your product or service, you need to build up your brand.

Se basa en el estudio del mercado y de los precios de las mercancías en declive, concentrando su mayor interés en la obtención de la ganancia sin importar mucho como se obtenga

Choose colors for your brand.

Teoría de Ventaja Absoluta

Create a sales and Marketing strategy

Hace referencia a que un país siempre tiene ventaja absoluta sobre otro por su condiciones naturales o por como se ha desarrollo de su economía.

Create a logo that can help people easily identify your brand.

Use it on your company website and on social media.

Ask your customers and potential customers for permission to communicate with them.

Ask for their consent to contact them with further information about your business.

Use opt-in forms. They usually pertain to email communication.

En la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII en Francia

Choose a logo.

Adam Smith (1723-1790)

Mercantilismo o teoría del comercio exterior

Like any element of running a business, there are multiple growth strategies that you can try.

Es el comercio de bienes enfocado a generar riqueza.

Type in the names of your products.

What type of opt-in forms will you use?

Choose from the following or add others.

newslettersmarketing materialsproduct sales
En el Siglo XVI (años de 1.501 a 1.600)

Choose from these ones or add other marketing channels that you think will help you promote your business in the best way.

The more you use, the better!

Email marketingSocial media MarketingFacebook AdsGoogle AdsSEOContent marketingTelesales

Type in some ideas to grow your business.

You have some examples here:

Collaborate with more established brands in your industryPartner with a charity organizationVolunteerAttend networking eventsHost eventsGet to know your customersOffer great customer serviceMeasure what works and refine your approach as you go
Edward Misselden, Thomas Mun y Antonio Serra.


To become an officially recognized business entity, you must register with the government.

Corporations will need an 'articles of incorporation' document, which includes your business name, business purpose, corporate structure, stock details, and other information about your company.

Esta teoría plantea que el comercio internacional está comprendido por dos campos de estudio, el primero ó de la teoría pura y el segundo que es la teoría monetaria

What are the restrictions?

Teoría de la Ventaja Competitiva

What kind of business structure are you interested in?

Type in or choose from the list below.

Sole ProprietorshipPartnershipLimited Liability Company (LLC)Corporation
la ventaja de una nación no se deriva de la dotación de los factores, sino de la tecnología.

Type in region-specific business expenses.

What is the sales tax?

A finales del XIX y principios del siglo XX

What is the income tax?

What are the benefits?

Michael Porter

What are the costs?


Your business location is an important decision. The choices you make could affect your taxes, legal requirements, and revenue.

Where you locate your business depends in part on the location of your target market, business partners, and your personal preferences. In addition, you should consider the costs, benefits, and restrictions of different government agencies.

para Marx, un libre comercio era igual a una revolución social y sólo habiendo una revolución de este tipo la existencia del capitalismo se vería tambaleante9

As a business owner, it’s important to understand your federal, state, and local tax requirements.

This will help you file your taxes accurately and make payments on time.

If you buy, rent, build, or plan to work out of the physical property for your business, make sure it conforms to local zoning requirements.

Neighborhoods are generally zoned for either commercial or residential use. Zoning ordinances can restrict or entirely ban specific kinds of businesses from operating in an area.

Carlos Marx

Consider the tax landscape for the state, county, and city. Income tax, sales tax, property tax, and corporate taxes can vary significantly from place to place.


Starting any business has a price, so you need to determine how you're going to cover those costs.

The choices you make could affect your taxes, legal requirements, and revenue.

Considera que debido a la distribución desigual de los recursos naturales limitados en el planeta, se generan condiciones diferentes para la producción de bienes de acuerdo a cada región y su dotación natural de recursos; la explotación de estos recursos naturales escasos y ubicados estratégicamente condujo a la especialización.

Find out how much money you need to start a business with a break-even analysis.

It will help you determine when your business will become profitable.

Teoría del ciclo de vida del producto

There are four types of plans:

La teoría sugiere que en las fases tempranas del ciclo de vida del producto la producción se lleva a cabo en el mismo lugar donde fue inventado y se exporta a países similares en nivel de desarrollo y preferencias de la demanda.

Highlight the advantages of investing in this industry.

SAM: Your Segmented Addressable Market or Served Available Market (the portion of TAM you will target)

Type in SAM.

en el siglo XX

Highlight the disadvantages of investing in this industry.

SOM: Your Share Of the Market (the subset of your SAM that you will realistically reach-particularly in the first few years of your business)

Type in SOM.

Raymond Vernon

For example, If you are a product company, break down your forecast by target market segments or into major product categories.

If you are forecasting sales for a restaurant, break down your forecast into these groups: lunch, dinner, and drinks.


Conduct market research. Gather information about potential customers and businesses already operating in your area. Use that information to find a competitive advantage for your business.

trata de determinar los factores y las fuerzas que determinan la relación real de intercambio entre los países que realizan comercio internacional.

The target market refers to consumers with similar characteristics (age, location, income, lifestyle etc.) and are considered most likely to buy a business's market offerings or are likely to be the most profitable segments for the business to service.


Some examples of popular industries are:


Choose from the list below or type in an industry you want to analyze.

The Business Services IndustryThe Food and Restaurant IndustryThe General Retail IndustryThe Technology IndustryThe Health, Beauty and Fitness IndustryThe In-Home Care IndustryThe In-Home Cleaning and Maintenance IndustryThe Sports and Recreation IndustryThe Travel and Lodging IndustryThe Automotive Repair Industry

Nowadays, many people are considering starting their own business.

Come up with a brilliant idea, that nobody tried before.

John Stuart Mill

Type in a business idea.