类别 全部 - homeostasis - genetics - growth - metabolism



The characteristics of living things (Student)

Living organisms exhibit a range of characteristics that ensure their survival and continuation. They grow and develop, starting from a single fertilized egg that divides and differentiates into various functions.

The characteristics of living things (Student)

Fill in one illustrative example for each of the characteristics living things.

The characteristics of living things

MADE OF CELLS All Living things are made up of cells.

Cells are what make up every living thing
Organisms are composed of one or more cells. Despite their small size, cells are complex and highly organized.

EVOLVE Taken as a population, living things evolve.

Living things evolve to be able to maintain living
Over generetions, groups of organisms evolve, or change over time. Evidence of this shared history is found in all aspects of living and fossil organisms, from physical features to stuctures of proteins to sequence of information in DNA.

METABOLISM Living things obtain minerals, organic material and use energy.

To grow you you must eat food to gain energy
All organisms must take in material and energy to grow, develop, and reproduce.

HOMEOSTASIS Living things maintain a stable internal environment.

Without an internal environment it becomes Rey difficult to live
All organisms need to keep their internal environment relatively stable.

REPRODUCE Living things reproduce.

To continue the fate of the world organisms must reproduce to continue with life on Earth
Poduce new similar organisms. Most plants and animals engage in sexual reprudoction. In sexual reproduction, cells from tow parents unite to form the first cell. Asexual reproduction, in which a single organisms procuces offspring identical to itself.

RESPOND TO STIMULI Living things respond to their environment.

Without detecting stimuli organisms cannot be safe in environments
Organisms detect and respond to stimuli from their environment.

GROW & DEVELOP Living things grow and develop.

Living things grow and develop to continue to live
During development, a single fertilized egg divides again. They begin to look different from one another and to perform different functions.

DNA CODE Living things are based on a universal genetic code.

Without DNA everyone would be exactly the same
All organisms store the complex information they need to live, grow and reproduce. It's called DNA, that information is copied and passed from parent to offspring.