类别 全部 - eukaryotes - characteristics - prokaryotes - plants

作者:VH - 11XA 682264 Lincoln Alexander SS 2 年以前


The Diversity of Life

The classification of living organisms can be divided broadly into animals and plants, each with distinct characteristics. Animals are primarily categorized into various classes such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, insects, and worms.

The Diversity of Life

All of these plants are vascular


Both do not have scales and have sensory organs

Have the ability to swim, and breathe using lungs or gills


Both classes of these animals give birth to young and have a layer of heat insulation

Diagram showing types of viruses






Is it Living?


Classification of Viruses
Can be classified based on their genetic material
Can be classified based on the size of their caspied
Can be classified based on the shape of their caspid
Structure of a Virus
Has 3 main viral structures

Has an membrane envelopoe after escaping a host cell

Has the Capsid

Has the Nucleic Acid

Why is it non-living?
Can't reproduce without a living host
Has no proper cell structures
Does not react to any stimuli

Are they Eukaryotes or Prokaryotes

Do some of their cells have a cell wall?

Do they have a backbone?


Are usually flat, their body is a tube in a tube, and you can see their head vs their tail

Warm Blooded?


Amphibians have smooth, wetter skin with scales and they are usually slimy


Reptiles are dry, and have scales


Fish are vertebraes that live in the water, made of cartilage

Have the ability to fly? (The majority)


A majority of them have the ability to fly aside from a few species

They have feathers to act as their heat insulation


They give birth to young, but do not lay eggs

This class of animals have fur for heat insulation


Their bodies are dividied into segments and their legs have moveable sections connected with joints

Are they motile? (can they move on their own)

Are the MAJORITY of them single celled?


Types of Protists

This category is for everything that doesn't fit in anything else! (such as Amoeba)


These protists make their own food using photosynthesis, just like plants do


They are decomposers like other fungi, common exmaples include the slime moulds


These protists consume other organisms as their food source. They also tend to be parasites


Classification of Fungi

Fungi imperfecti, Chytrids, Zygospores, Sac fungi, Club fungi

Club fungi have fruiting bodies but are short lived

Sac fungi tend to be the largest fungi we see and have finger-like sacs

Zygospores tend to be multicellular and live on land, an example of this is bread mould

Chytrids are usually unicellular and tend to live in water with special limbs called flagella

Fungi imperfecti are a diverse phyla of fungi

Are the only ones to not reproduce sexually!

How do they get their nutrition?

Parasitic, Predatory, Mutualistic, Saprobial

Others wait for organisms to die, to feast on them

Some partner up with other living things like pants, which is mutually beneficial

Some fungi can hunt/wait for prey

They can be parasites, which means they absorb the nutrients of that come from their host


Types of Plants


They produce "naked" seeds and have pollen for some animals


Their plants produce fruit and are known as flowering plants


They don't produce seeds and an example of them are ferns


They do not have vascular tissues, examples are mosses

Is the cell wall made of peptidoglycan?


Is considered bacteria but is extremely close to being considered a plant. It is a prokaryote so it is automatically here.


Size and Shape, Nutrition, Respiration, Movement

Size and Shape: Archaea and Bacteria can take on different shapes (Spheres, Rods, Spirals)

Respiration: We can describe both archaea and bacteria depending on their respiration type. (Are they Aerobic? Anaerobic? Obligate Aerobes?)

Nutrition: The way they get their food. Some types of archaea are chemoautotrophs, some bacteria are photoautotrophs

The Gram Stain

The Gram stain is something that can be used to ONLY classify bacteria

Bacteria prefer normal conditons to live in, this means they do not like to live in the extremes (extremely cold, hot, salty, etc...)

Bacteria use Photosynthesis as their source of food and this is something that is UNIQUE to them




They can survive in extremely salty conditions


They can live in extremely acidic conditions


They can live in extremely hot conditions

Archaea tend to be extremophiles

Nutrition type

Archaea use methanogenesis to produce the majority of their food. A common by-product of this process is methane

The Diversity of Life

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