18th and 19th sessions
Now it´s time for SINGING¡¡¡ Create a song to explain one of the people that take part in the economy of a society. Choose an appropriate music for it.
Classbook 67
17th session
14th, 15th and 16th sessions
How does this good reach to our hands? Create a roll-playing to explain the process of production of the product that the teacher has given to your group.
12th and 13th sessions
Explain your keynotes to your mates and complete the tests
8th, 9th, 10th and 11th sessions
It`s time for the groups of experts¡¡¡ Watch this video about the economy sectors and with the help of the classbook investigate about the sector you are responsible. After this, create a Keynote presentation with the Ipad in order to explain it to your main group mates. Apart from that prepare a test with five questions to check if your friends have understood your explanation.
Tutorial for Keynote
Classbook page 64, 65 and 66
Economy Sectors
6th and 7th sessions
Watch this video about how to do a mind map with After watching it you must do one bubbl map of the factors of production.
Classbook page 63
5th session
LET`S WATCH YOUR INTERVIEWS. After watching them everybody at home must post your opinion about one of the videos in this wall of linoit. Here you can find the link to the wall.
2nd, 3rd and 4th sessions
You have to investigate about what and how an economic system works. With this information you will have to create an interview show and record it in the Ipad.
Classbook page 62
Types of economic systems
1st session
Presentation of the palette using the mindomo.
Reflection Diary
Collaborative work
Test/self assessment
Tasks of the palette (Interview show, bubbl drawing, Keynote, song, roll-playing)
Test - teacher assessment
- Economic system.
- Factors of production.
- Economic sectors.
- Process of production
- People in an economy
- To Know the basic characteristics of economic activity.
- To understand what economic agents are and why they are important.
- To understand the characteristics of the various economic sectors.
- To identify jobs as primary, secondary or tertiary sector activities and identify economic activities in these sectors.
- To analyse the process of production of a product.
- To understand the scarcity of the world’s natural resources.
- To learn to create different resources (mind-maps, roll-playings, songs ...) for recording and reviewing information.
- To learn and improve the manner we work in group.
- To think and reflect individually about the concepts that we have learnt.