作者:Borys Januszyk 10 月以前
The Renaissance
During the Renaissance period, significant advancements in science, art, and culture emerged, profoundly impacting European history. Notable scientists like Nicholas Copernicus, often referred to as the father of astronomy, proposed that the Earth orbited the sun, challenging prevailing geocentric views.
The Renaissance Legacy diverted rivers to prevent flooding drawings of unfinished works notebooks only 17 paintings principles of turbine Michelangelos commissions details from the ststue of david shows great knowledge of anatomy and looks lifelike Hes first commission was jesus on marys lap Renaissance Science Galileo Galilei it took the catholic church 350 years to apoligize to him he made a thermometor he was in house arrest he wrote a book of the dialogue on the two chief world systems he developed a telescope he increased the magnification on a telescope he studied medicine but had intrest in maths The famous astronomer was born in Pisa in Italy Kepler he agreed with copermicus but said the planets orbits were ellliptical not cirular he was german Nicholas Copernicus view he said that the earth orbited the sun Nicholas Copermicus father of astronomy he published his book after death from fear of the church Changes in architecture significant changes pointed door spire rose window pointed windows and pointed arches buttresses and flying buttresses results of the renaissance it resulted in a significant advance in human knowledge the renaissance played a major part in the split of the church people were encoursged to travel more and discover new land the study of archaelogy and history was revived The renaissance begins in Florence cosimo de medici he was the richest banker in Florence he was in Florence for 28years lorenzo the magnificent the grandson of cosmico de medici changes in painting renaissance art looked more real and focused on feelings and emotions renaissance style clothes realistic people more lifelike classical roman style architecture religious theme here but also other theme variety of colours perspective painted on canvas medieval religious theme only little colour lifeless similar faces painted wooden panel no depth medieval art was not very lifelike was no realism very little backround new painting techniques artists used egg yolk to bind paints they used perspective sfumato using shading to make it more lifelike frescoes became popular painting onto wet plaster so the colours absorbed into the wall renaissance paintings also depicted nature and landscapes changes of sculpture new religious and non religious theme more realistic more lifelike shows feelings old religious theme part of a cathedral lacked feelings How is the Renaissance Historicly sighnificant the reformation age of exploration education new learing historical change medicine tourism art architecture painting and sculpture