作者:wilson galeano 6 年以前
the usees of language
Language serves multiple purposes and functions, depending on the user's intent. It can be instrumental for obtaining something, regulatory for making requests or giving orders, and representational for conveying information.
the uses of language Observations language modalities is not employed at one use at time self evident number of uses varied uses of language nonlaguages alternatives point of view of the person dilemma the nature of meaning implications involves just one person Subtema language learning depends on the users intention Topic principal representations Perpetuating to record Athoritative/Contractual to regulate Diversionary to enjoy the enviroment Representational to convey information Imaginative to be creative throuh language Heuristic to find out about the immediate enviroment Personal to convey a sense of personal identity Instrumental to get something Regulatory make request o give orders Interactional to relte to other