作者:Mindomo Team 1 年以前
Things You Should Never Apologize For
Embracing your imperfections and recognizing your beauty and uniqueness is crucial. It’s important to maintain high expectations and follow your dreams, as these aspirations can lead to fulfillment.
Never Apologize For Failures survivors achieve more goals Occasional absentmindedness Everyone’s brain farts Disagreeing if you are polite Asking questions socializing events home Acting on your instincts listen to your mind and body Your past we all mkake dumb mistakes at some point people change as long as it isn't part of who you are today Bad dancing the joy dancing brings is worth any embarrassment Spending money on yourself small but special gifts improve your self esteem Standing your ground do what feels right beliefs political religious spiritual principles morals values Ending toxic relationships unhealthy relationships hold you back 'Me' time have fun relax take care of your needs self-awareness making other happy too Saying NO good leaders often do this you can't give 100% shows commitment Saying NO to bullying stop living in fear school work Lack of experience we all are beginners at some point Growing up priviledged caring with the ones less fortunate grateful no entitlement attitude Health nut it's your life, your body, your rigfht to be insanely healthy Forgiving people it's very healthy to let go Deleting people from Facebook annoying gossips harrassing Expressing emotions express excitement though people can call you crazy boys can cry Sexual preferances your privacy Telling the truth this shows how strong you are High expectations how dreams come true Not knowing the answer life-long learning sign of strength and humility Imperfections you are beautiful and unique Personal priorities people who care of you will respect your choices avoid the frustration Following dreams live the dream, don't dream your life live with as few regrets as possible Loving someone doesn't matter if you are lived back ability to love is one of the great assets