类别 全部 - music - painting - guitar

作者:Tefoxito XD 4 年以前


Time out

Time out

Time out


Example:We pitched our tents near the stream.
Definition:A shelter made of canvas or a similar material and supported by poles and ropes, that you can fold up and carry with you.
Example:He made some salads to have with the barbecue.
Definition:A meal that is prepared and eaten outdoors using such a frame, often during a party.
Example:She collects dolls.
Definition:To get and keep things of one type such as stamps or coins as a hobby.
Example:She has written articles for several women's magazines.
Definition:A type of thin book with large pages and a paper cover that contains articles and photographs and is published every week or month.
Example:We spent the day on the beach.
Definition:An area of sand or small stones near the sea or another area of water such as a lake.
Example:My parents took lots of photographs of us when we were small.
Definition:A picture produced using a camera.
Example:We spent the day on the beach but it was too cold to go swimming.
Definition:To move through water by moving the body or parts of the body.
Example:His love of skateboarding was also a great outlet for his youthful energy.
Definition:The activity or sport of riding a skateboard.
Rock climbing
Example:Juanito Alcachofa has just taken up rock climbing.
Definition:The sport of climbing on rocks or in mountains.
Example:I did a lot of reading on holiday.
Definition:The activity or skill of getting information from books, newspapers, etc.
Playing computer games
Example:Playing computer games helps to sharpen the mind and reflexes.
Definition:A computer game is a computer-controlled game where players interact with objects displayed on a screen for the sake of entertainment.
Example:At the museum, we saw several landscape paintings.
Definition:a picture that someone has painted.
Example:he was dead right about horse riding in rural constituencies because many people from all sorts of backgrounds participate.
Definition:The sport or activity of riding horses.
Example:She was hot and breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill.
Definition:The activity of riding a bicycle.

Phrasal verbs

turn on
Example:Turn on the radio; I want to hear the news.
Definition:to cause (something) to operate by turning a knob, etc.
Turn off
Example:Turn off the TV I am trying to sleep!
Definition:To cause (something) to cease operating by turning a knob, pushing a button, etc.
Look after
Example:Please, look after your sister this night.
Definition:To take care of or be in charge of something.
Get off
Example:If we can get off by seven o'clock, the roads will be clearer.
Definition:To leave a place, usually in order to start a journey.
Get back
Example:When I got back to the store, the man had already left.
Definition:To return to a place after you have been somewhere else.
Come round
Example:My neighbor came round for a tea.
Definition:To visit someone in their home.
Come in
Example:You can come in just for a moment.
Definition:To enter a room or building.


To play video games

Example:Lucas has been playing videogames all day.

Definition:Action of playing video games.

To play the guitar

Example:We used to sing and play the guitar.

Definition:Action of playing the guitar.

To make/Play music

Example:I love making music with my friends.

Definition:Action of making or producing music.

To photograph/Take photographs

Example:Alissa photographed those flowers.

Definition:To take a picture using a camera.

To paint

Example:My sister painted all these beautiful pictures.

Definition:To make a picture using paints.


Example:My cousin, who is a gamer, has a YouTube channel.

Definition:Someone who likes playing computer games.


Example:Susan and I are folk guitarists.

Definition:A person who plays the guitar.


Example:The concert features dancers and musicians of all nationalities.

Definition:Someone who is skilled in playing music, usually as a job.


Example:Monica is a professional photographer.

Definition:A person who takes photographs, as either a job or hobby.


Example:My grandpa was a good painter.

Definition:Someone who paints pictures.

Video game

Example:I play video games every weekend.

Definition:A game in which the player controls moving pictures on a screen by pressing buttons.


Example:My mother taught me how to play the guitar.

Definition:A musical instrument, usually made of wood, with six strings and a long neck, played with the fingers or a plectrum.


Example:Jackie is really into classical music.

Definition:Sounds arranged to have melody, rhythm, or harmony.


Example:My parents took many photographs of us when we were small.

Definition:I took many photographs of us on the beach.


Example:Any painting by Van Gogh is worth a fortune.

Definition:A picture made using paint.