作者:Taylor Thompson 5 年以前
Tissue Types
The human body is composed of various tissue types, each fulfilling critical functions. Nervous tissue is essential for communication within the body, transmitting signals between the brain and spinal cord through the vertebral foramen.
Floating topic Tissue Types Muscle tissue Smooth maintaining and controlling blood pressure and flow of oxygen walls of hollow organs Skelatel walls of hollow visceral organs support n movement Cardiac walls of heart keep heart pumping Connective Blood tissue supplying oxygen to cells nd tissues fluid portion of body Bone tissue bones protects soft tissues Dense Fibrous function in support ligaments n tendons Cartilage Fribrocartilage to absorb
between vertebrae
Elastic ear n larynx
allows organs to stretch
Hylaline nose n respiratory
covers end of joints
adipose stores energy beneath skin Loose connective Binds underlying organs to skin and to each other membranes throughout body Nervous Spinal vertebral foramen send and receive signals from brain Epithelial Glandular Secrete substances saliva Pseudostratified Columnar lining air passages cilia-aided movement Stratified Squamous protection Skin n Mouth Ciliated respiratory tract move particles out of body Simple Columnar digestive tract Transitional Epithelium urinary bladder blocks diffusion Simple Cuboidal secretion n absorption kidneys Simple squamous air sacs in lungs diffusion n filtration