作者:nazarena borghi 6 年以前
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The text outlines a daily routine interspersed with specific times for each activity. It starts with waking up at half-past eight and includes various tasks such as getting dressed, having breakfast, and attending school by half past twelve.
Daily activites Go to sleep I go to sleep at half an hour and a half Ir adormir Have a shower I have shower at eleven o'clock Bañarse Have dinner I dinner at twelve o'clock Cenar Have tea/Have a snack I mering at half past six Merendar Study a lenguage-music I study a ten o'clock Ir a estudiar Go to train a sport I train at seven o'clock Ir a entrenar Come back home I back home at six o'clock Regreso a casa Study I study at nine thirty Estudiar Have lunch I lunch at twelve o'clock Almorzar Do the homework I do homework ten o'clock Hacer la tarea Get dressed I dress at eleven thirty Vestirse Brush my teeth I brush my teeth at a quarter past nine Cepillarme los dientes Have breakfast I breakfast a nine o'clock Desayunar Go to the bathroom I go to the bathroom at nine to nine Ir al baño Get up I get up a quarter to eigth Levantarse Wake up I wake up at eight thirty Despertarse Come to school I go to school at half past twelve Venir al colegio