作者:Rori Griffin 4 年以前
Tree organigram
Local governments are structured to manage various responsibilities within counties, townships, and municipalities. Each level has designated officials and boards to oversee specific functions.
Who's Who In Local Government? Township Tax Collector Collect Taxes in Counties With Over 150,000 Citizens Assessor Determining That Similar Property Is Valued In a UNiform Manner Ensuring That Existing Property Is Valued At the Appropriate Statutory Level of Market Discovering, Listening, and Valuing All New Construction Within the Jurisdiction Highway Commissioner Construction and Maintenance of roads in districts Keep Road District Records Supervisor Chairperson Of Trustees Trustees Votes On Issues Municipal Helth Officer Finance Officer Purchasing Officer Building Inspector City Attorney City Engineer Superintendent of Streets Police Chief Officers and Employees Occupy a Position Created by Statute or Ordinance Collecter Receives Municipal Revenue Comptroller Supervises Offices in Charge of Municipal Revenue Treasurer Custodian of Funds Clerk Keep Corporate Seal and Papers Belonging to County Manager Cheif Administration Officer Mayor/President Executive Officer City Council/Village Board Trusees Corporate Authorities County Regional Superintendent of Schools Supervises School Districts within the county County Engineer Caretaker of County's Roads and Networks County Auditor Accountant of County Coroner Official Investigator of Cause of Death County Clerk 4. Chief Election Official 3. Tax Extender 3. Register of Vital Records 2. Clerk if County Board 1. Keeper of County Records Clerk of Circuit Court Court Record Keeper County Recorder Manager of Land Records Supervisor of Assessments State's Attorney County Appraiser County Treasurer County's Banker Sherif Primary Law Enforcement County Boards and Commissions Supervise Department Activities Enacts Laws