作者:trinity betts 10 年以前
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In 1966, Aboriginal stockmen, led by Vincent Lingiari, initiated a significant strike at the Wave Hill pastoral station in the Northern Territory, advocating for equal wages and better working conditions.
Gurnji people The giving Gough witlam giving back the land. Gough whitlam gives back the land to the Gurinji people. 16 August 1975 Prime Minister Gough Whitlam pours soil into the hand of Aboriginal elder
Vincent Lingiari On strike Wave Hill cattle station, 800 kilometers south of Darwin. It was a strike that would last 7 years. Vincent Lingiari led 200 Aboriginal workers off their jobs Main topic Our rights The strike led to land legislation almost 10 years later. A sign showing gurinji cattle station. Aboriginal stockmen protesting for
equal wages walked off Wave Hill pastoral station
in the Northern Territory 1966.