作者:Kaitlyn Gardner 5 年以前
U.S Legal Drinking Age Lowered To 18
Lowering the U.S. legal drinking age to 18 could lead to significant negative impacts. Among these are cognitive and social issues, as the brain is not fully developed at this age, which might result in impaired decision-making capabilities.
U.S Legal Drinking Age Lowered To 18 Sources: Watson, Tara. (2015). Lowering The Drinking Age Has Serious Consequences. Scott, S. Elizabeth., Steinberg, Laurence. (2008). Adolescent development and the regulation of youth crime. Carroll, Joseph. (2007) Most Americans Oppose Lowering Legal Drinking Age to 18 Nationwide. Rise in unintended pregnancies More children in foster care Potential financial burden Crime rates would increase Unsafe community More young adults entering jail/criminal justice system Increase in voilence Brain is not fully developed at 18 Social issues may arise Cognitive issues may arise Rise in suicide rates Mental health would suffer Traumatic experience for family/friends Face loss for federal funded highways Would face this loss due to increasing rate of DUI's Roads would not be as safe to travel Increase in traffic accidents DUI increase Increase in reckless driving Unsafe roads More injuries and deaths