作者:saroj simkhada 15 年以前
Value Chain Analysis
Value chain analysis is a strategic tool used to enhance business efficiency and effectiveness by identifying areas where information systems and technology can add value. This process involves examining both secondary and primary activities within a company.
Value Chain Analysis Secondary Activities(Dell) Infrastructure Reacting to problems by change in senior management Concerned with a wide range of support systems and functionssuch as finance, planning, quality control and general senior management Technology Development Lagging behind in technology research and development Activities concerned with managing information processing and the development and protection of "knowledge" in a business Human Resource Management Hosted Payroll Potential for spinning it off as a seperate business unit Those activities concerned with recruiting, developing, motivating and rewarding the workforce of a business Procurement Lowering the bargaining power of intel and microsoft sourcing and negotiating with materials suppliers Primary Activities(Dell) Service If something goes wrong then PC has to be returned in the post People don't like offshore support, usually stressed when they call and this adds to their stress Service is Poor All those activities associated with maintaining product performance after the product has been sold Marketing and Sales Improve as a Lifestyle brand What about people who dont own computers? China / Credit Cards / Shops essential Essentially an information activity - informing buyers and consumers about products and services (benefits, use, price etc.) Outbound Logistics Evening delivery Room for improvement / instant gratification The monitor example Close to customers All those activities associated with getting finished goods and services to buyers Operations Customisation options Build-to-Order The manufacture of products and services - the way in which resourceinputs are converted to outputs. Inbound Logistics Close to suppliers Just-In-Time ordering All those activities concerned with receiving and storing externally sourced materials Created by Michael Porter Used for Identify where & when IS/IT can be used to improve a business Efficency Reducing Cost Effectiveness Adding Value