类别 全部 - feedback - formal - verbal - communication

作者:Mahashree Mathealagan 3 年以前



Communication can be categorized into verbal and nonverbal forms, each with distinct characteristics and purposes. Verbal communication involves the exchange of information through words, either spoken or written, and does not necessarily require the simultaneous presence of both parties.



Type in the name of your organization.


Suitable for short message

You might need realign your strategies to ensure that there are no contradictions.

Make some notes about how your strategies should change.

Flexible and faster

Review all your strategies across objectives.

No permanent record

Consider replacing strategies that do not solve problems.

Make some notes about how your Strategies should change.

Feedback is quick and instant

Review each of your strategies and check that they really are strategies.

Generally informal

You might need to clarify your objectives to include other strategies, or maybe some of your strategies are not really aligned with objectives and should be changed.

Make some notes about how your objectives or strategies should change.

Involves talking and listening
Telephone Face to face constancies Group meeting


For length and organized message

Consider each Strategy together with the tactical projects for executing it.

Feedback is delayed

You might need to restructure your tactical projects to eliminate duplication and ensure that the outcomes contribute to strategy.

Make some notes about how your tactics should change.

Authentic and permanent record .
Rigid slow and elaborate

You might need to clarify your strategies to include other tactical activities, or maybe some of your projects are not aligned with strategy and should be dropped.

Make some notes about how your strategies or tactics should change.

Generally formal and less ambiguous
Involves writing and reading

To execute your strategy, it will break down into a number of tactical activities.
Tactics are practical projects that bring your strategy to life.

Example: Make a list of preferred areas and research the independent food retail outlets in each.

Memos Letters Handbook


Does NOT essentially require the presence of both parties at the same place

How can you ensure that your staff are making decisions that are influenced by bigger goals?

Make some notes about how you will do this.

Leads to prompt interchange of info
Be friendly
Lessen the chance of confusion and misunderstanding the message

You might need to ensure that everyone understands your plan.

Make some notes about how you will do this.

Practice humility
Exchange of information through words

It is not uncommon for those who are working on the tactics of an organization to be unaware of the strategy, objectives, mission, and vision behind them.

Be clear
Speak with confidence


Can show membership in a linguistic subgroup

You might need to clarify your mission to embrace other objectives, or maybe your objectives are not really aligned with your real mission.

Make some notes about how your mission statement or objectives should be changed.

It can provide emotional context for the content of speech
A loud high pitch voice tone can express anger, excitement or fear.
It can alter meaning

To deliver your mission, you will need a number of primary objectives.

These are major milestones, showing that you are achieving your mission. These should be written as SMART objectives, which means they are

Example: To partner with 5 new organic food retail outlets this year.

When the voice tone increases at the end of a sentence it means its a question.



Make some notes about how your Mission statement could be improved.

A rapidly flowing back and forth process that requires full focus

a rapidly flowing back-and-forth process that requires your full focus on the moment-to-moment experience.

Review your vision statement and mission statement together.

Does your mission statement bring your vision to life? Do the targets in your mission statement align with your vision?

Body gestures Facial expressions Touch Appearance Smell

In one sentence, summarise your mission.

Your mission states how you express your vision - what you are aiming to do, to make your vision into reality.

Example: to be the leading supplier of organic foods in your area


Requires the presence of both parties at the same place
Managing intercation
Involves more time span

Make some notes about how your vision statement could be improved.

Creating impressions Carries critical meaning
Has more chance of confusion and misunderstanding the message

Review your Vision statement:

Does your vision really reflect the values and beliefs that motivate you and your staff?

Paralanguage Expressing emotional feelings
Exchange of information by wordless cues

In one sentence, describe the vision of your organization. Your vision should:

Example: You believe that sustainable organic foods are better for people and the environment

Facial expression Body gestures Appearance