作者:chantal rosso 6 年以前
During the Victorian Age, society was marked by a strong sense of duty, moral superiority, and rigid social structures. Women were viewed as physically weaker but morally superior, tasked with raising children and managing the household.
Charles Dickens Hard Times Mr. Gradgrind A Christmas Carol Oliver Twist Victorian Age Hipocrisy Outward Respectability Self Restraint Good Manners A1pearances Factories and Workhouses Slums Idea: poor would improve their condition Puritan values Duty Frugality Hard Work Appalling life Split families Irish Potato Famine Emigration Children Child labour was common Reforms 1872 Ballot Act 1867 Second Reform Act 1846 Corn Laws 1838 People's Charter failded
1834 Poor Law Amendment Act 1833 Factory Act 1832 First Reform Act Women considered PHISICALLY WEAKER but MORALLY SUPERIOR duty to respect them divine guides prudery and chastity fallen women repressed sexuality brought up children controlled family $ Queen Victoria + Albert 9 children FAMILY MODEL