The research explores the impact of active video games (AVGs) on the mental health of college students through a comprehensive systematic review. It emphasizes that mental health is crucial for students'
Li, L., Abbey, C., Wang, H., Zhu, A., Shao, T., Dai, D., Jin, S., & Rozelle, S. (2022). The Association between Video Game Time and Adolescent Mental Health: Evidence from Rural China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22), 14815.
Analysis: This more analytical study is one that goes in on the overall negative effects of video gaming on mental health in young chinese adolescents. This research will be helpful to my paper because it brings an opposing view point and a different perspective to a topic that is everchanging in opinoon and research that is put out about it with video gaming and mental health.
Summary: This study is one that studies on how video games can have an effect on rural Chinese adolescents. A more analytical study, the findings were that excessive video game usage it can lead to an increase in depression and stress.
Quote: "The primary finding of this study–that there was a significant association between video game time and worse adolescent mental health (according to the DASS-21)–contributes to an existing body of literature that has produced largely mixed results. For instance, one study of junior high school students in Iran found that both non-gamers (no video game time) and excessive gamers (defined as 10 h per week, or about 1.5 h per day) overall reported suffering poorer mental health based on General Health Questionnaire scores compared to low or moderate players. Another systematic review found positive effects of casual (simple, easy-to-use) video games on a range of mental health outcomes, though this review only included studies with adult participants."
Quote: "There was a significant association between adolescent video game time and poorer mental health. Each additional hour of playing video games also increased the chance of having moderate or above symptoms. Moreover, boys and non-left-behind children had worse mental health if they played more video games. Our study contributes to literature on the links between recreational screen time and mental health, and it sheds light on an issue addressed by recent government legislation to limit the video game time of minors in China."
Wols, A., Pingel, M., Lichtwarck-Aschoff, A., & Granic, I. (2024). Effectiveness of applied and casual games for young people’s mental health: A systematic review of randomised controlled studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 108, 102396.
Analysis: This article will be good because the video game that I have chosen for my paper is Minecraft. Minecraft is a game that is described as casual as it being one of the games commonly thought to as being. This information on the effects of casual video games, like Minecraft, on mental health are paramount for my paper for their findings.
Summay: This article is one that explores more braadly the efffects of applied and causal games for young peoples mental health. It compiles multiple articles into this one study that finds that they have a more positive effect on young peoples mental health and also finds the bad that may be within them.
Quote: Regarding momentary effects of games on positive and/or negative affect or emotions, the majority of studies examined the effects of (a) casual game(s). These were compared to an active or passive condition, or to (an)other casual game(s). All studies measured negative affect or emotions, and only a subsample of those also measured positive affect or emotions. In line with previous studies, for positive affect and emotions, we found that casual games were as effective, or more, than active conditions.
Quote: "Particular strengths of the current review are the inclusion of a wide range of mental health areas, both applied and casual games in healthy
and (sub)clinical populations, and the inclusion of positive mental health outcomes. No particular keywords related to mental health were used and thus a relatively ‘open’ search was performed, leading to re sults that were not restricted to specific mental health problems or clinical populations."
Zhao, Y., Soh Kim Geok, bin, H., Rong, W., Liu, C., & Wang, X. (2024). Effects of active video games on mental health among college students: a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 24(1).
Analysis: This expansive study proposes that AVG's offer a mental and physical benefit to peoples health. AVG's are not exactly all games because of the wide variety of video games that their are, I think that this brings a different perspective to my research with that minecraft can be a handheld game with how it is not just a console or PC game but a phone game aswell. You can sit on an excercise bike and play it while you exercise and I think that it can in part be used fo rmy research.
Summary: This study is a more expansive and analytical article on AVG's (Active Video Games) and how they can offer mental health benefits to college students. They compiled over 3 thousand articles but using the PEDro scale brough it down to only 17 articles. They found that overall AVG's were able to improve the mental health of college students who played them and that they offered a ocerall improved wellbeing and mental health.
Quote: "Overall, AVGs can serve as an efective intervention to reduce dysphoria and promote positive psychological states among college students, thus improving mental health. Using the theory-based design of AVGs will further increase the efect. However, the efects of AVGs vary depending on their type and initial design purpose. Therefore, when using AVGs to improve college students’ mental health, it is necessary to carefully consider the students’ original state, select AVGs with rich game content that can provide at least moderate intensity physical activity, and adopt the correct intervention strategy to achieve good results. AVG can potentially become a valuable tool for improving college students’ mental health."
Quote: "Mental health signifcantly impacts college students’ academic performance and overall happiness.
Active video games (AVGs) have gained popularity among college students due to their ample entertainment,
and there is growing interest in utilizing them to address mental health issues. However, there has not been a comprehensive summary and systematic review of research on the efects of AVGs on college students’ mental health."
Halbrook, Y. J., O’Donnell, A. T., & Msetfi, R. M. (2019). When and How Video Games Can Be Good: A Review of the Positive Effects of Video Games on Well-Being. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 14(6), 1096-1104.
Analysis: The article researches two main topics, the affects of social health of video games and on if violent video games and violent acts have any correlation which deal with mental health. This article works for my research because of its connection with social health, Minecraft does not have many egregious violent elements to the game besides killing mobs (creatures and or animals within the game) but Minecraft has a big social aspect to it. Minecraft is inheritly now a big social game, get online with your friends, work to slay the enderdragon, build beautiful and detailed structures, or create elaborate redstone contraptins Minecraft is one fo the most inheritly social games their is.
Summary: This article goes on to explore on how video games, more specifically violent video games and aggression and how it can effect social behavior and social activity. The study found that video games improve social behavior and that there is not a clear link between violent video games and violent behavior.
Quote: "Studies have demonstrated the positive impact of many different aspects of video games on various aspects of well-being. However, previously there was no overview of this field that considered, in detail, precisely how the most commonly studied facets of gaming positively relate to well-being. This is the first narrative review to focus on theoretically important facets of video games (social aspects, violence, and physical activity) and how these have been empirically linked to well-being to beneficial effect."
Quote: "Our overarching argument, supported by the review provided here, is that social activity generated by video games is healthy unless it is overshadowed by a more competitive, achievement-focused orientation or played in excess (Carras et al., 2017; Longman et al., 2009). In other words, the person’s own motivation will mitigate any positive outcomes."
Anto, A., Basu, A., Selim, R., Foscht, T., & Eisingerich, A. B. (2024). Open-World Games’ Affordance of Cognitive Escapism, Relaxation, and Mental Well-Being Among Postgraduate Students: Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, e63760. to an external site.
Analysis: I believe that this article will be good for my article in how video games, specifically the open world genera of video games, can improve mental health and offer escape from individuals daily struggles. This study applies to Minecraft in the way that the two games are similar of their open world nature and in being able to explore anywhere. With how simialar the games are it would not be far out to say that this article can be applicable with Minecraft and I'd argue to say that minecraft can offer more ways of relaxation adn escapism than both games used here.
Summary: I think that this article that brings more clarity to my game of choice which is Minecraft even though thte game that the article used for its study is not Minecraft it goes into the more broad open world gaming type. The article's fndings were that among post graduate students who were the subjects of this articles study was that the open world game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, on how it made an improvement to mental health and promoted relaxation.
Quote: "Well-being may encompass a wide range of psychological states,
including happiness, stress levels, and overall mental health Open-world games, by providing opportunities for escapism and relaxation, can positively influence these aspects of well-being. The autonomy and control players experience in these games can also enhance feelings of competence and
satisfaction. This study on well being in relation to open-world games builds on existing literature that examines the psychological impacts of video games"
Quote: "The study demonstrates that open-world games offer substantial benefits for cognitive escapism, significantly improving relaxation and well-being among postgraduate students. The immersive and autonomous nature of these games is
crucial in reducing stress and enhancing mental health. Future research may investigate the long-term effects of regular engagement
with open-world games and explore their potential therapeutic applications for managing stress and anxiety."