web 2.0 tool
A modern technological tool designed for educational purposes allows both instructors and learners to engage in a collaborative and interactive online environment. This platform facilitates global connections and information sharing, making it an effective means for promoting teamwork and communication.
web 2.0 tool Who controls, edits, summarises weaves the content? teachers or tutors will control, edit, summarize and weave the content. How can collaborative learning/interaction take place Collaborative learning takes place when the tool is designed for this purpose How can they vary? According to its purpose According to the creators creativity According to the users' needs Subtopic How can you use it? using web etiquette creating wikis, podcasts interacting on the web Who will assess contributions and how will they do it? teachers wiil assess and will give a feedback contributions through a periodical checking of the contributions. How adaptable is this tool to different learning styles? This tool is designed to different learning styles What are the instructors/learners roles? to promote collaborative work Use web etiquette be resposibles with their tasks to have good communicationc what is it? a platform for information sharing technological tool for learning Global connection