作者:Morgan Pearson 6 年以前
Week 4
The process of creating and implementing Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) involves setting SMART goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. These goals take into account the unique needs of each student and are informed by baseline data as well as general education content standards.
Individualized Education Plans IDEA Special services are available for eligible students the term "developmental delay" can be used for age 3-9 13 disabilities covered by youth 3-21 visual impairment traumatic brain injury speech or language impairment Specific learning disability Other health impairment orthopedic impairment multiple disabilities intellectual disability hearing impairment emotional disturbance Deafness Deaf-blindness Autism Complete goal statements include General Education Content Standards Annual Goals Baseline Data Student Needs SMART goals Time-Bound Relevant Achievable Measurable Specific Five components of IEP goal Schedule Procedure Criteria Target Skill or Behavior Condition Three Prong Test of Eligibility Need for specially designed instruction adverse impact on educational performance State eligibility requirements New goal development teachers come prepared with Ideas for new goals information from present levels of performance based on prior conversations with families Evaluating team evaluates goals Collects data Makes observations Family Participation home/school communication Home visits Telephone calls Team meetings