类别 全部 - information - control - beliefs - knowledge

作者:Senzers Senzers 6 年以前


What are the limits

As the world grows more interconnected, information dissemination increasingly falls under the control of a few large conglomerates, raising concerns about the potential end of free thought and the homogenization of knowledge.

What are the limits

How much of our knowledge should be experiential or based on sense-data?

Rationalists: Knowledge should be gained by thinking instead of experiencing. Purely reflection based learning.

Observational Knowledge: knowledge should come from observing other peoples experiences.

Transcendental realism: Knowledge should be based on actuality instead of perception.

Knowledge based on memory (experience) is not always reliable. memories can change as time passes and are different based on who is perceiving them.

Correspondence: All knowledge should be experienced based, someone must have directly experienced it.

Empirical: All knowledge should be experience based.

What is truly required to justify a belief?

Infallibilism: A belief is only justified if it is impossible to be false.

Some people are large believers in scientific evidence. If there is proof then it is likely to be believed.

Pragmatic: Does the specific belief useful? if not it is not justified.

Coherence: Some people find truth in numbers. If something is widely believed to be true then that is how it is justified.

Correspondence: How the belief relates to the world. If there is evidence of this in the present world then it must be true!

Reliabilism: justified based on how the belief is formed.

The strength of a belief. If the belief is not fixed it can be considered an opinion.

The length of time something is believed can be a large influence, some beliefs are instilled at birth and are very hard to question.

Epistemic: The evidence of a belief validates it.

Corporate: A beliefs popularity determines how justifiable it is.

As the world becomes ever increasingly interconnected, and information and the means of disseminating that information is increasingly falling into the hands of a few conglomerates, are we witnessing the end of free thought? Will knowledge eventually be codified and homogeneous?

Feminist Epistemology: Most conglomerates are owned by men and are not complimentary to both genders, making it difficult for feminists to accept sexist information.

As long as there is experience based knowledge, conglomerates will not be able to control all free speech. Some knowledge will have to come from ones self.

Epistemic: Information should not be taken at face value, there should be some validity to it.

Coherence: All information should be homogeneous

Innate Knowledge: Knowledge is already codified and instilled before birth.

In my own experience, it is very difficult to come across people with unique thoughts. Most people want to believe the same things as everyone else. Few people question their information.

There will always be independent sources of information available and without them it is very possible to loose free speech.

Obtaining information from few sources gives those sources complete control over our thoughts.